Vim documentation: vital

main help file
vital.txt             A comprehensive Vim utility functions for Vim plugins.

CONTENTS                                Vital-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital-introduction
USAGE                           Vital-usage
TERM                            Vital-term
INTERFACE                       Vital-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital-functions
  Vital object                    Vital-Vital-object
LINKS                           Vital-links

INTRODUCTION                            Vital-introduction

vital (or vital.vim ) is like a plugin which has both aspects of Bundler and
jQuery at the same time.


If you are a Vim user who doesn't make Vim plugins, please ignore this page.
If you are a Vim plugin author, please check this out.

Modules in vital.vim basically support Vim 8.1 or later.
We guarantee that the following versions of Vim are supported:
* The latest major version (8.2.*)
* The previous major version (8.1.*)

And some modules have stricter requirements and additional dependencies.
Please read the docs of each module before using them.

USAGE                                   Vital-usage

Assuming your Vim plugin name is "your_plugin_name". You can define your utility
function set "your_plugin_name#util" just by

    let s:Process = vital#your_plugin_name#import('System.Process')
    function! your_plugin_name#util#system(...)
       return s:Process.execute(a:000)

and then you can call functions by 'your_plugin_name#util#system()', without taking
care of vital.vim itself. It's all hidden.

Vital has module system. The below is an example to import/load a module
"Math" and to call a function "lcm()" of the module.

    let s:M = vital#your_plugin_name#import('Math')
    call s:M.lcm([2, 3, 4])


    let s:V = vital#your_plugin_name#new()
    let s:M = s:V.import('Math')
    call s:M.lcm([2, 3, 4])


    let s:V = vital#your_plugin_name#new()
    call s:V.load('Math')
    call s:V.Math.lcm([2, 3, 4])


    let s:V = vital#your_plugin_name#new()
    call s:V.import('Math', s:)
    call s:lcm([2, 3, 4])

We recommend you to use a capital letter for a Vital module dictionary to
assign as Vital convention. That makes your code more readable among Vital

When you start using vital for your own Vim plugin for the first time, you
have to embed vital. See vitalizer.txt about the details how to embed and
keep it updated.

TERMS                                   Vital-terms

{plugin-name}                           Vital-term-plugin-name
        It's same as the {name} in :Vitalize and this name is used in

        Reserved name: "vital"
        You can use "vital" as a {plugin-name} by default. When {plugin-name}
        is "vital", you can use all available vital modules in 'runtimepath'.
        Just use "vital" for development only and use unique {plugin-name} to
        embed modules by :Vitalize and use them in your plugin.

{module-name}                           Vital-term-module-name
        A name of vital module. {module-name} is capitalized words separated
        with dot. Please see each Vital-modules help for detail.
                "Prelude" (vital/Prelude.txt)
                "Data.String" (vital/Data/String.txt)

INTERFACE                               Vital-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital-functions

vital#{plugin-name}#new()                       vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        Creates a new Vital object(Vital-Vital-object).
        If you just want to use Vital-Vital.import(), You can use
        vital#{plugin-name}#import() instead without any performance

vital#{plugin-name}#import({module-name})       vital#{plugin-name}#import()
        Imports a single module specified by {module-name}.

        let s:List = vital#vital#import('Data.List')
        echo s:List.uniq([1,1,2])

Vital object                            Vital-Vital-object

Vital.import({module-name} [, {to}])    Vital-Vital.import()
        Imports a single module specified by {module-name} to {to} or empty
        dictionary, and returns it.

        let s:List = s:V.import('Data.List')
        echo s:List.uniq([1,1,2])

Vital.load({module-name})               Vital-Vital.load()
        Loads a module to the Vital directly.

        call s:V.load('Data.List')
        echo s:V.Data.List.uniq([1,1,2])

Vital.exists({module-name})             Vital-Vital.exists()
        Checks whether a module specified by {module-name} exists.{pattern})       
        Searches available modules.  Returns module names by List.
        Wildcard '*' is available in {pattern}.  This matches to any strings
        in the part of module name that excludes ".".
        Wildcard '**' is available in {pattern}.  This is similar to '*' but
        also matches to ".".

        echo'**')  " returns all available module names

Vital.plugin_name()                     Vital-Vital.plugin_name()
        Returns {plugin-name} of the Vital object.

LINKS                                   Vital-links

 Delegation in Vim script:
 Core concept of vital (in Japanese):
 How to make a vital module (in Japanese):
 API Reference (in Japanese):
 Let's use vital.vim (in Japanese):

 Vitalize command:

 Vital modules                          Vital-modules
  vital/Assertion.txt         assertion library.
  vital/Async/Promise.txt     An asynchronous operation like ES6 Promise
  vital/Bitwise.txt           bitwise operators.
  vital/Color.txt             color conversion library between RGB/HSL/terminal code
  vital/ConcurrentProcess.txt Manages processes concurrently with vimproc.
  vital/Data/Base64.txt       base64 utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base64/RFC4648.txt       base64 RFC4648 utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base64/URLSafe.txt       base64 URLSafe utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base32.txt       base32 utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base32/Crockford.txt     base32 Crockford utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base32/Hex.txt   base32 Hex utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base32/RFC4648.txt       base32 RFC4648 utilities library.
  vital/Data/Base16.txt       base16 utilities library.
  vital/Data/BigNum.txt       Multi precision integer library.
  vital/Data/Closure.txt      Provide Closure object.
  vital/Data/Counter.txt      Counter library to support convenient tallies.
  vital/Data/Dict.txt         dictionary utilities library.
  vital/Data/LazyList.txt     lazy list including file io.
  vital/Data/List.txt         list utilities library.
  vital/Data/List/Byte.txt    Bytes-List and other bytes-list like data converter.
  vital/Data/Optional.txt     Provide optional value
  vital/Data/OrderedSet.txt   ordered collection library.
  vital/Data/Set.txt          set library.
  vital/Data/String.txt       string utilities library.
  vital/Data/String/Interpolation.txt String interpolation in Vim
  vital/Data/Tree.txt         tree utilities library.
  vital/Database/SQLite.txt   sqlite utilities library.
  vital/DateTime.txt          date and time library.
  vital/Experimental/Functor.txt      Utilities for functor.
  vital/Hash/HMAC.txt         Hash-based Message Authentication Code.
  vital/Hash/MD5.txt          MD5 encoding.
  vital/Hash/SHA1.txt         SHA1 encoding.
  vital/Interpreter/Brainf__k.txt     Brainf**k interpreter
  vital/Locale/Message.txt    very simple message localization library.
  vital/Mapping.txt           Utilities for mapping.
  vital/Math.txt              Mathematical functions
  vital/OptionParser.txt      Option parser library for Vim.
  vital/Prelude.txt           crucial functions
  vital/Process.txt           Utilities for process.
  vital/Random.txt            Random utility frontend library
  vital/Random/Mt19937ar.txt  random number generator using mt19937ar
  vital/Random/Xor128.txt     random number generator using xor128
  vital/System/Cache.txt      An unified cache system
  vital/System/Cache/Base.txt An abstract class of unified cache system
  vital/System/Cache/Deprecated.txt   store/restore cache into/from file
  vital/System/Cache/Dummy.txt        A dummy class of unified cache system
  vital/System/Cache/File.txt A file based cache system
  vital/System/Cache/Memory.txt       A dictionary instance based cache system
  vital/System/Cache/SingleFile.txt   A single file based cache system
  vital/System/File.txt       filesystem utilities library.
  vital/System/Filepath.txt   path string utilities library.
  vital/System/Process.txt    Cross platform process executor
  vital/System/Process/Mock.txt       A Process client for test
  vital/System/Process/System.txt     A Process client using system() function
  vital/System/Process/Vimproc.txt    A Process client using vimproc
  vital/Text/CSV.txt          CSV library.
  vital/Text/INI.txt          INI file library.
  vital/Text/LTSV.txt         LTSV library.
  vital/Text/Lexer.txt        lexer library.
  vital/Text/Parser.txt       parser library.
  vital/Text/TOML.txt         TOML library.
  vital/Text/Table.txt        Character table library.
  vital/Vim/Buffer.txt        Vim's buffer related stuff in general.
  vital/Vim/BufferManager.txt buffer manager.
  vital/Vim/Compat.txt        Vim compatibility wrapper functions.
  vital/Vim/Guard.txt         Vim options/variables guard utility
  vital/Vim/Message.txt       Vim message functions
  vital/Vim/Python.txt        Vim python/python3 compatible function
  vital/Vim/ScriptLocal.txt   Get script-local things
  vital/Vim/Search.txt        Vim's [I like function
  vital/Vim/ViewTracer.txt    Trace window and tabpage.
  vital/Web/HTML.txt          HTML parser written in pure Vim script.
  vital/Web/HTTP.txt          simple HTTP client library.
  vital/Web/HTTP/Cookie.txt   An HTTP Cookie utility.
  vital/Web/HTTP/CookieJar.txt        Manage collection of HTTP Cookie.
  vital/Web/JSON.txt          JSON parser written in pure Vim script.
  vital/Web/URI.txt           URI manipulation library
  vital/Web/XML.txt           XML parser written in pure Vim script.

 External vital modules:


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