Vim documentation: vital/Hash/MD5

main help file
vital/Hash/MD5.txt            md5 utilities library.

Maintainer: nicwest   <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Hash.MD5-contents

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Hash.MD5-introduction
INTERFACE                               Vital.Hash.MD5-interface
  Functions                             Vital.Hash.MD5-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Hash.MD5-introduction

Vital.Hash.MD5 is a MD5 Utilities Library.
It provides functions to return the MD5 sum/digest of a given string as
hex/bytes list.

INTERFACE                               Vital.Hash.MD5-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Hash.MD5-functions

sum({str})                              Vital.Hash.MD5.sum()
sum_raw({bytes})                        Vital.Hash.MD5.sum_raw()
        Return MD5 hashed string from {str} or raw {bytes} list.

digest({str})                           Vital.Hash.MD5.digest()
digest_raw({bytes})                     Vital.Hash.MD5.digest_raw()
        Return MD5 hashed bytes list from {str} or raw {bytes} list.


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