Vim documentation: vital/System/Process

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vital/System/Process.txt      Cross platform process executor

Maintainer: lambdalisue         <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.System.Process-contents

Introduction                    Vital.System.Process-introduction
Install                         Vital.System.Process-install
Usage                           Vital.System.Process-usage
Functions                       Vital.System.Process-functions
Developers                      Vital.System.Process-developers

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.System.Process-introduction

Vital.System.Process provides a cross-platform functions to execute process.

The following process clients are available:

- Vital.System.Process.Mock           For mock testing
- Vital.System.Process.System         Use system() internally (*)
- Vital.System.Process.Vimproc        Use vimproc internally (*)

Clients with (*) will be automatically vitalized when Vital.System.Process
is vitalized. Other modules require explicit :Vitalize before use.

USAGE                                           Vital.System.Process-usage

        let s:Process = s:V.import('System.Process')
        let result = s:Process.execute([
            \ 'git', 'rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree',
        echo result.output
        " => true

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.System.Process-functions

execute({args}[, {options}])
        Executes a process specified by {args} (List).
        It tries process clients listed in "clients" attribute of {options}
        and return a result Dictionary when one of a client supports a
        specified {options}.
        Otherwise it raises an exception 'None of client support options:'.

        The following attributes are supported in {options}

                A List of client names registered by
                Vital.System.Process.register() function or an instance of
                a process client (Dictionary).
                The order of appearance is equal to the order of trial.
                When vimproc is available, Vital.System.Process.Vimproc will
                be listed prior to the Vital.System.Process.System in default.
                ['System.Process.Vimproc', 'System.Process.System']

                A String or Number. If String is specified, the value will be
                passed to the process through the stdin. If Number is
                specified, no value will be passed to the process.
                Default: 0

                A process timeout in seconds (Number). A system process
                client does not support this option, mean that vimproc is
                required to be available.
                Default: 0

                If 1, the process will be executed in background. A system
                process client does not support this option in Windows, mean
                that vimproc is required to be available to use in Windows.
                When the process is executed in background, the "success" in
                {result} be always 1.
                Note that there is no way to get PID or status of the process
                if this option is used.
                Default: 0

                A String or Number. If 1 is specified, "input" value will be
                encoded by iconv() from &encoding to "char". If String is
                specified, it will be encoded from a value of 'encode_input'
                to "char".
                Default: 1

                A String or Number. If 1 is specified, "output" value in
                {result} will be encoded by iconv() from "char" to &encoding.
                If String is specified, it will be encoded from "char" to a
                value of 'encode_output'.
                Default: 1

                If 1, a POSIX List of "output" value in {result} will be
                embed into {result} dictionary as "content".
                It uses Vital.Data.String.split_posix_text() internally.
                Default: 1

                If 1, let a process client to echo a debug information about
                process execution. The default value is taken from 'verbose'
                option so that users can show debug information with
                :verbose command.
                Default: &verbose

        The following attributes exist in {result} dictionary and the value
        should be equal among clients and environments:

                0 or 1 to indicate whether the process exit without
                exceptions, namely if the "status" is 0 or not.

                An exit status of the process. Note that if
                "options.background" is 1, it is always 0.

                An output String of the process. It is encoded if
                'encode_output' is specified in {options}.

                An output of the process as a List when "options.split_output"
                is specified. Otherwise the attribute is missing.

                An argument List used for executing a process.

                An option Dictionary used for executing a process.

        See individual client documents for extra attributes (e.g. "cmdline").

        Note that when "options.debug" is grater than 0, it echoes which client
        is used and the actual cmdline, for debugging.

        Register a {name} Vital module as a process client.
        It only registers when "is_available()" method of the module returns
        truth value.
        The order of the registration effect the default priority of the
        For a process client developer.

DEVELOPERS                              Vital.System.Process-developers

A process client module requires to have the following three methods.

        Return 0 or 1 to indicate if the module is available in a Vim.
        Modules which return 0 in this function will never be registered.

        Return 0 or 1 to indicate if the module support a specified {options}.
        Modules which return 0 in this function will be skipped.

execute({args}, {options})
        Execute a process specified by {args}. This method need to return a
        {result} Dictionary which must contains "status" and "output". Any
        other attributes are optional.
        Note that "input" should be encoded prior to the method (if user
        want), so should not encode without particular reasons.
        Note that "output" will be encoded posterior to the method (if user
        want), so should not encode without particular reasons.
        Note that the method should echo actual command and module name when
        "options.debug" is grater than 0, for example:

        if a:options.debug > 0
          echomsg printf(
            \ 'vital: System.Process.XXXXX: %s',
            \ cmdline,

When you create a new process client, register that with
Vital.System.Process.register() function in "s:_vital_loaded()" function of
Vital.System.Process module.


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