Vim documentation: vital/Process

main help file
vital/Process.txt             Utilities for process.

Maintainer: tyru    <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Process-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Process-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Process-interface
  Functions                       Vital.Process-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Process-introduction

Vital.Process provides utility functions which manipulates process.

Note: this module is pre-obsolete. Check if you can use Vital.System.Process

INTERFACE                               Vital.Process-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Process-functions

spawn({command} [, {special}])          Vital.Process.spawn()
        Execute program in the background from Vim.  Always return an empty

        {command} is List or String to run as background process.
        If {command} is a List, it'll shellescape() each argument.
        If {command} is String and {special} was given and non-zero,
        escape special characters.

        Using :!start , execute program without via cmd.exe.
        Spawning 'expr' with 'noshellslash'
        keep special characters from unwanted expansion.
        (see :help shellescape())

        using :! , execute program in the background by shell.

        See shellescape()'s {special} argument for the details.

iconv({expr}, {from}, {to})             Vital.Process.iconv()
        iconv() wrapper for safety.
        Built-in iconv() returns an empty string when the conversion
        completely fails.
        But this function won't return an original string not an empty string
        when failure.

has_vimproc()                           Vital.Process.has_vimproc()
        Returns non-zero if vimproc is installed, zero otherwise.
        You can download the vimproc from

system({command} [, {input} [, {timeout}]])
system({command} [, {dict}])
        Gets the output of the shell command {expr}.
        This function calls vimproc#system() if has_vimproc() returns
        non-zero, otherwise system().
        If {timeout} is specified, the command will be killed after {timeout}
        milliseconds.  Note that {timeout} is available only when
        has_vimproc() returns non-zero.
        Note NeoVim cannot use system() with '&',
        Please See :h system() on NeoVim.

        When the 2nd argument is Dictionary, you can specify more options.
        {dict} structure is:

        {dict} = {
                use_vimproc: bool,
                input: string,
                timeout: bool,
                background: bool,

get_last_status()                       Vital.Process.get_last_status()
        Returns the result of the last shell command either via vimproc or


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