Vim documentation: vital/Vim/Buffer

main help file
vital/Vim/Buffer.txt  Vim's buffer related stuff in general.

Maintainers: thinca <>
             ujihisa <ujihisa at gmail com>
             lambdalisue <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Vim.Buffer-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Vim.Buffer-introduction
USAGE                           Vital.Vim.Buffer-usage
INTERFACE                       Vital.Vim.Buffer-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Vim.Buffer-functions

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Vim.Buffer-introduction

Vital.Vim.Buffer is a Vim's buffer library.

USAGE                           Vital.Vim.Buffer-usage

        let B = V.import('Vim.Buffer')
        echo B.is_cmdwin() " 1 if you are in command-line-window.
        " Open A.txt via split. show 1 if the A.txt is newly loaded
        echo'A.txt', {'opener': 'split'})

INTERFACE                       Vital.Vim.Buffer-interface

FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Vim.Buffer-functions

is_cmdwin()                             Vital.Vim.Buffer.is_cmdwin()
        Return a boolean (0/1) which indicate whether a current buffer is in
        command-line-window or not. Note that most of buffer manipulation
        does not work in the window.

get_last_selected()                     Vital.Vim.Buffer.get_last_selected()
        Get the last selected text in visual mode.
        This is almost the same as

                :normal! gvy

        without changing unnamed register.
        But this function can work even in textlock.

open({buffer} [, {options}])  
        Open a {buffer} and return a boolean which indicates whether the buffer
        has been newly loaded or not.

        If 0 or an empty string has been specified to {buffer}, the function
        opens a new unnamed buffer. In this case, the return value is always 1.

        If a number has been specified to {buffer}, the {buffer} is assumed as a
        buffer number and an existing buffer will be opened.

        If a string has been specified to {buffer}, the {buffer} is assumed as a
        buffer name and an existing buffer which is identified by the name or
        a new buffer will be opened.

        In {options}, the following attributes are allowed

        "opener"        A string or funcref used to open a buffer.
                        When a string has specified, the string is used in a
                        execute command to open a buffer.
                        When a funcref has specified, the funcref is called
                        with {buffer} as a dictionary function of {options}
                        and the funcref will have a responsibility to open a
                        The default value is "enew" or "edit", depends on a
                        value of {buffer}.

        "mods"          A command modifiers like vertical or botright.
                        It is used as a prefix of "opener" when opening a

        "cmdarg"        A command argument (++opt) used to open a new named
                        buffer. Note that it may not affect properties of an
                        existing buffer or unnamed buffer due to the
                        limitation of Vim's builtin command.

        For backward compatibility, an "opener" is allowed to directly be
        assigned to the {options} attribute.

        " Open 'foo' with a default opener

        " Open 'foo' with 'split'
        call'foo', {'opener': 'split'})

        " Open 'foo' with 'split' (deprecated)
        call'foo', 'split')

        " Open 'foo' with 'botright split ++enc=utf8 ++ff=dos'
        call'foo', {
              \ 'opener': 'split',
              \ 'mods': 'botright',
              \ 'cmdarg': '++enc=utf8 ++ff=dos',

        " Open 'foo' with 'botright split ++enc=utf8 ++ff=dos'
        function! s:opener(buffer) abort dict
          execute self.mods 'split' self.cmdarg a:buffer
        call'foo', {
              \ 'opener': function('s:opener'),
              \ 'mods': 'botright',
              \ 'cmdarg': '++enc=utf8 ++ff=dos',

read_content({content}[, {options}])    Vital.Vim.Buffer.read_content()
        Insert {content} (List) below the cursor of the current buffer.
        It uses :read command internally to allow automatic fileencoding
        detection of Vim (See fileencodings).
        The following attributes are allowed in {options}:

        A name of temporary file.
        Note that the file will be removed automatically.
        A default value is a result String of tempname().
        To overrides 'fileformat'. See ++ff.
        A default value is ''.
        To overrides 'fileencoding'. See ++enc.
        A default value is ''.
        To sets 'binary'. See ++bin.
        A default value is 0.
        To resets 'binary'. See ++nobin.
        A default value is 0.
        To specifies behavior for bad characters. See ++bad.
        A default value is ''.
        To keep option values as if editing a file. See ++edit.
        A default value is 0.
        To append content after the specified linenum.
        A default value is '' which append content after the cursor line.
        Use lockmarks to execute command so that the marks are not adjusted
        during the operation.
        A default value is 0.

edit_content({content}[, {options}])    Vital.Vim.Bufer.edit_content()
        Replace content of the current buffer to {content}. It is similar to
        :edit command, mean that fileformat, fileencoding, and binary
        options of the current buffer will be overwritten in default behavior.
        It calls Vital.Vim.Buffer.read_content() with options.edit=1 in default
        so developers can change the behavior of internal :read command as

parse_cmdarg([{cmdarg}])                Vital.Vim.Buffer.parse_cmdarg
        Parse {cmdarg} which is used as [++opt] in :read or :edit command
        and return a {options} dictionary which can directly be used in
        Vital.Vim.Buffer.read_content() or
        If {cmdarg} is not specified, v:cmdarg is used instead.


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