Vim documentation: vital/Math

main help file
vital/Math.txt        Mathematical functions

Maintainer: ujihisa <ujihisa at gmail com>

CONTENTS                                        Vital.Math-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Math-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Math-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Math-functions

INTRODUCTION                                    Vital.Math-introduction

Vital.Math provides some bitwise operators.
If vim provides builtin functions, uses these directly.

INTERFACE                                       Vital.Math-interface

FUNCTIONS                                       Vital.Math-functions

fib({number})                           Vital.Math.fib()
        {number}th fib, begins with 0, 1.

        fib(0) == 0
        fib(1) == 1
        fib(10) == 55
        fib(48) == 512559680
        fib(49) == -811192543

        Note that Vim cannot handle big numbers. This is not
        Vital.Math.fib()'s issue but Vim's limitation.

modulo({m}, {n})                        Vital.Math.modulo()
        Return modulo.  This behaves like Scheme's one.

        modulo(10, 3) == 1
        modulo(-10, 3) == 2
        modulo(10, -3) == -2
        modulo(-10, -3) == -1

lcm({values})                           Vital.Math.lcm()
        Return least common multiple number of elements in {values}.
        If at least one of {values} is 0, lcm returns 0.

        lcm([2, 3]) == 6
        lcm([2, -3]) == 6
        lcm([7, 2, 3, 2]) == 42
        lcm([0]) == 0
        lcm([2, 3, 0]) == 0

gcd({values})                           Vital.Math.gcd()
        Return greatest common divisor of elements in {values}.

        If all elements of {values} are 0, gcd returns 0.
        If at least one of {values} is not 0, gcd returns greatest common
        divisor of non zero elements.

        gcd([2, 3]) == 1
        gcd([20, -30]) == 10
        gcd([5, 20, 30]) == 5
        gcd([0]) == 0
        gcd([4, 0, 6]) == 2
        gcd([0, 0, 0]) == 0

sum({values})                           Vital.Math.sum()
        Return all sum of elements in {values}.

        If {values} included not a number elements, throw an exception.
        If {values} is empty list, returns 0.

        sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) == 15
        sum([1, 2, 3.2, 4, 5.3]) == 15.5
        sum([1, 2, '3', 4, 5])  " throw exception
        sum([]) == 0

round({expr} [, {digits}])              Vital.Math.round()
        Round off {expr} to {digits} digits after the decimal point and
        return it as a Float.
        If {digits} is omitted, it defaults to 0.
        If {expr} lies halfway between two values, then use the larger
        one (away from zero).
        {expr} must evaluate to a Float or a Number.

        round(2.675) == 3
        round(2.675, 2) == 2.68
        round(-2.675, 2) == -2.68
        round(5.127, -1) == 10.0
        round(5.127, 20) == 5.127

str2nr({expr} [, {base}])               Vital.Math.str2nr()
        Convert string {expr} to a number.
        {base} is the conversion base, it can be from 2 to 36.
        When {base} is omitted base 10 is used.  This also means that
        a leading zero doesn't cause octal conversion to be used, as
        with the default String to Number conversion.
        [a-z] characters in {expr} are treated equally with [A-Z].

        str2nr("10") == 10
        str2nr("010") == 10
        str2nr("10", 2) == 2
        str2nr("FF", 16) == 255
        str2nr("ZZ", 36) == 1295
        str2nr("ff", 16) == 255
        str2nr("Ff", 16) == 255

nr2str({expr} [, {base}])               Vital.Math.nr2str()
        Convert number {expr} to string.
         {base} is the conversion base, it can be from 2 to 36.
         When {base} is omitted base 10 is used.

        nr2str(10) == "10"
        nr2str(10, 2) == "1010"
        nr2str(255, 16) == "FF"
        nr2str(1295, 36) == "ZZ"


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