Vim documentation: vital/Web/HTTP/CookieJar

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vital/Web/HTTP/CookieJar.txt  Manage collection of HTTP Cookie.

Maintainer: thinca <>

CONTENTS                Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-functions
OBJECTS                         Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-objects
  Jar                             Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar

INTRODUCTION            Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-introduction

Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar manages collection of

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let HTTP = s:V.import('Web.HTTP')
        let Jar = s:V.import('Web.HTTP.CookieJar')

        let url = ''
        let response = HTTP.get(url)
        let jar =
        call jar.add_from_headers(response.allHeaders, url)
        echo sort(map(jar.get_all(), ' . "=" . v:val.value()'))
        " => ['k1=v1', 'k2=v2']

This library does not treat "public suffix"(

INTERFACE               Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-interface

FUNCTIONS               Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-functions

        Creates a new Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar object.
        When {data} is supplied, Jar object is restored from {data}.
        {data} is created by Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.export().

        Build cookie string for "Cookie:" HTTP header from {cookies}.
        {cookies} is a List of Cookie object.

OBJECTS                 Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-objects

Jar                     Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar

        Jar object has a collection of Cookie objects.

Jar.add({cookie})       Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.add()
        Adds a {cookie} to this jar.

Jar.add_all({cookies})  Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.add_all()
        Adds all {cookies} to this jar.
        {cookies} is a List.

Jar.add_from_headers({headers}, {request-uri})
        Adds cookies from {headers}.
        {headers} is a List of HTTP response headers.
        This ignores all except for "Set-Cookie:" header.

Jar.get([{condition}])  Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.get()
        Returns a cookie which agrees with {condition}.
        Returns the first one when more than 2 being found.
        Returns empty Dictionary when not found.
        See Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.get_all() about {condition}.

        Returns cookies which agrees with {condition}.
        {condition} is a Dictionary which contains the following items.
        All items can omit.  An omitted condition is not used.

                Matches to the URL.

                Name of Cookie.

                Name of Cookie by pattern.

                The target Cookie is expired or not.

                The target Cookie is valid or not.

Jar.build_http_header({url} [, {dry-run}])
        Build cookie string for "Cookie:" HTTP header for {url}.
        This updates "last_access_time" of all selected cookies.
        When {dry-run} is non-zero, this does not update.

        Removes all expired cookies.
        You can change current time to check by {now}.
        {now} is a Vital.DateTime-DateTime object.

Jar.clear()             Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.clear()
        Removes all cookies.

Jar.export([{all}])     Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.export()
        Exports this Jar to a Dictionary.
        This dictionary contains data only.  You can save to file.
        Normally, this does not contain non-persistent cookies.
        When {all} is non-zero, this contains non-persistent cookies.
        You can restore this Jar object by

Jar.import({data})      Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.import()
        Imports Jar data from {data}.
        Cookies in existence aren't removed.
        {data} is created by Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar-Jar.export().


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