Vim documentation: vital/Text/Lexer

main help file
vital/Text/Lexer.txt  lexer library.

Maintainer: rbtnn <>

CONTENTS                                        Vital.Text.Lexer-contents

INTRODUCTION                             Vital.Text.Lexer-introduction
INTERFACE                                Vital.Text.Lexer-interface
  FUNCTIONS                              Vital.Text.Lexer-functions
OBJECTS                                  Vital.Text.Lexer-objects
  Lexer Object                           Vital.Text.Lexer-Lexer
EXAMPLES                                 Vital.Text.Lexer-examples

INTRODUCTION                                    Vital.Text.Lexer-introduction

Vital.Text.Lexer is lexer library.

INTERFACE                                       Vital.Text.Lexer-interface

FUNCTIONS                                       Vital.Text.Lexer-functions

lexer({patterns})                               Vital.Text.Lexer.lexer()
        Creates a new Lexer object.
        {patterns} is a format such as "[ [label,regex] , ... ]".
        A Lexer object has exec({expr}).

OBJECTS                                         Vital.Text.Lexer-objects

Lexer Object                                    Vital.Text.Lexer-Lexer

Lexer.exec({expr})                              Vital.Text.Lexer-Lexer.exec()
        Evaluates {expr}.
        This returns a list of dictionaries which have the following keys.
                'matched_text' : matched text in {expr}.
                'col' : index of 'matched_text' in {expr}.
                'label' : label of 'matched_text'.

EXAMPLES                                        Vital.Text.Lexer-examples

lexer example                                   Vital.Text.Lexer-lexer-example

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let s:L = s:V.import('Text.Lexer')
          echo s:L.lexer([['digit','\d\+'],['whitespace','\s\+']]).exec('53  4')
          " [
          "   {'col': 0, 'label': 'digit', 'matched_text': '53'},
          "   {'col': 2, 'label': 'whitespace', 'matched_text': '  '},
          "   {'col': 4, 'label': 'digit', 'matched_text': '4'}
          " ]
        catch  '[Text.Lexer]'
          echo v:exception


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