Vim documentation: vital/System/Cache/SingleFile

main help file
vital/System/Cache/SingleFile.txt     A single file based cache system

Maintainer: Alisue <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-contents

Introductions           Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-intro
Usage                   Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-usage
Functions               Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-functions
Methods                 Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-methods
Properties              Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-properties

INTRODUCTIONS                           Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-intro

Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile is a single file based cache system.
It stores a cache dictionary into a single cache file, mean that it is similar
to Vital.System.Cache.Memory but the cache is persistent.
If you prefer to store key and value into individual files, use
Vital.System.Cache.File instead.

USAGE                                   Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-usage

Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile have all required API of unified cache system and
values are stored in a Dictionary instance.
In the following example, Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile is used for memorize
the calculated values.

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let s:C = s:V.import('System.Cache.SingleFile')

        let s:factorial_cache ={'cache_file': '.cache'})

        function! s:factorial(n)
          if a:n == 0
            return 1
          elseif s:factorial_cache.has(a:n)
            return s:factorial_cache.get(a:n)
            let x = s:factorial(a:n - 1) * a:n
            call s:factorial_cache.set(a:n, x)
            return x

        echo s:factorial(10)

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-functions


        Create a new instance of System.Cache.SingleFile.
        It requires 'cache_file' option in {options}. If no 'cache_file' is
        specified, it will throw an exception.
        The parent directory of 'cache_file' will automatically be created if
        Users can use a 'autodump' option in {options} to set the initial value
        of Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.autodump.

METHODS                                 Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-methods

dump()                  Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.dump()

        Dump a cache content into the 'cache_file'.
        It will be automatically called when the cache content is changed if
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.autodump is 1. Otherwise users
        need to call this method to dump the cache content into a cache file.

load()                  Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.load()

        Load a cache content from the 'cache_file'.
        It will be automatically called when the cache instance is created (in
        Users can call this method to load the cache content manually.
        Note that this method call may trigger to call
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.on_changed() hook.

cache_key({obj})        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_key()

        See Vital.System.Cache.Base.cache_key()

has({name})             Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.has()

        Return 1 if the cache instance has {name} in its cache dictionary.
        Otherwise 0.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key will be created via
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_key() method thus {name}
        is not required to be String.

get({name}[, {default}])

        Return a cached value of {name} in a cache dictionary. It returns
        {default} if no value is found.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key will be created via
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_key() method thus {name}
        is not required to be String.

        {default} (optional)
        A default value. It will be returned when no value is found in the
        cache dictionary.

set({name}, {value})    Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.set()

        Save {value} into a cache dictionary as {name} and dump the cache
        dictionary into 'cache_file'.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key will be created via
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_key() method thus {name}
        is not required to be String.

        {value} (required)
        A value of the cache.

keys()                  Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.keys()

        Return a list of cache keys

remove({name})          Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.remove()

        Remove {name} from a cache dictionary and dump the cache dictionary
        into 'cache_file'. It does nothing when the specified {name} is not
        found in the cache.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key will be created via
        Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_key() method thus {name}
        is not required to be String.

clear()                 Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.clear()

        Clear a cache dictionary and dump the cache dictionary into

on_changed()            Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.on_changed()

        A user defined hook method. This method is called when the content of
        the cache is changed, namely after the following methods:
        - Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.set()
        - Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.remove()
        - Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.clear()
        - Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.load()

PROPERTIES                      Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-properties

cache_file              Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.cache_file

        A file path where the cache content is saved.
        The directory of this file need to be exists if users re-define this
        property after the function call.

autodump                Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.autodump

        A boolean to enable/disable autodump feature.
        If the value is 1, Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile-instance.dump()
        will be automatically called when the cache content is changed.
        Otherwise users need to call the method manually to dump the cache
        content into a cache file.


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