Vim documentation: vital/Web/JSON

main help file
vital/Web/JSON.txt                    JSON parser written in pure Vim script.

Maintainer: mattn <>
            lambdalisue <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Web.JSON-contents

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Web.JSON-introduction
INTERFACE                               Vital.Web.JSON-interface
  Consts                                Vital.Web.JSON-consts
  Functions                             Vital.Web.JSON-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Web.JSON-introduction

Vital.Web.JSON is JSON parser Library.

INTERFACE                               Vital.Web.JSON-interface

CONSTS                                  Vital.Web.JSON-consts

true                                    Vital.Web.JSON.true
        It is used to indicate 'true' in JSON string. It is represented as a
        Funcref thus if you assign the value to a variable which name does not
        start with a capital, "s:", "w:", "t:" or "b:" will raise an exception.
        This returns 1 when you use it as a function.

false                                   Vital.Web.JSON.false
        It is used to indicate 'false' in JSON string. It is represented as a
        Funcref thus if you assign the value to a variable which name does not
        start with a capital, "s:", "w:", "t:" or "b:" will raise an exception.
        This returns 0 when you use it as a function.

null                                    Vital.Web.JSON.null
        It is used to indicate 'null' in JSON string. It is represented as a
        Funcref thus if you assign the value to a variable which name does not
        start with a capital, "s:", "w:", "t:" or "b:" will raise an exception.
        This returns 0 when you use it as a function.

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Web.JSON-functions

encode({object}[, {settings}])          Vital.Web.JSON.encode()
        Encode an object into a JSON string. Special tokens
        (e.g. Vital.Web.JSON.true) are encoded into corresponding javascript
        tokens (e.g. 'true').

        echo s:JSON.encode([s:JSON.true, s:JSON.false, s:JSON.null])
        " => '[true, false, null]'

        {settings} is a Dictionary which allows the following:

        The number of spaces used as an indentation. When the value is greater
        than 0, the encoded JSON will be formatted with the specified indent
        level. The default value is 0.

        echo s:JSON.encode({'a': 0, 'b': 1})
        " => '{"a":0,"b":1}'
        echo s:JSON.encode({'a': 0, 'b': 1}, {'indent': 2})
        " => '{
        "   "a": 0,
        "   "b": 1
        " }'

decode({json}[, {settings}])            Vital.Web.JSON.decode()
        Decode a JSON string into an object that vim can treat.
        {settings} is a Dictionary which allows the following:

        Use special tokens (e.g. Vital.Web.JSON.true) to represent
        corresponding javascript tokens (e.g. 'true').
        Otherwise 1 or 0 are used to represent these.
        The default value is 0.

        echo s:JSON.decode('[true, false, null]')
        " => [1, 0, 0]
        echo s:JSON.decode('[true, false, null]', {'use_token': 1})
        " => [s:JSON.true, s:JSON.false, s:JSON.null]


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