Vim documentation: vitalizer

main help file
vitalizer.txt vital.vim for you.

CONTENTS                                        vitalizer-contents

INTRODUCTION                    vitalizer-introduction
INTERFACE                       vitalizer-interface
  COMMANDS                        vitalizer-commands
  FUNCTIONS                       vitalizer-functions
CUSTOMIZING                     vitalizer-customizing

INTRODUCTION                                    vitalizer-introduction

Vitalizer is a Vim plugin to vitalize the Vital to your plugin.


        :cd /path/to/my-plugin

        " First, install the Vital to your plugin with some modules.
        :Vitalize --name=my_plugin . Data.List DateTime

        " You can update the Vital by omitting modules the 2nd time and
        " afterwards.
        :Vitalize .

        " If you specify a module list, all modules are replaced.
        :Vitalize . Data.Dict
        " => Data.List and DateTime will be removed!

        " Specifies a module with '+' prefix to add a module.
        :Vitalize . +Data.List +DateTime

INTERFACE                                       vitalizer-interface

COMMANDS                                        vitalizer-commands

:Vitalize [options] {target-dir} [{module} ...] :Vitalize
        {target-dir} is root directory of your plugin.  It must be like a
        one of 'runtimepath'.
        List of {module} is module names you want.  It is necessary to
        specify one or more.
        {name}(see below) and list of {module} is recorded to your Vital.
        This is used after next time if they are omitted.
        You can use +/- prefix to {module}.  This adds or removes the
        specified module.

        :Vitalize path/to/plugin +Web.HTTP -DateTime

                Specifies a name of your Vital.  If omitted, name of
                {target-dir} is used.
                Specifies a hash of git.
                Shows a simple help text.

FUNCTIONS                                       vitalizer-functions

vitalizer#vitalize({name}, {target-dir}, {modules}, {hash})
        Function version of :Vitalize.

CUSTOMIZING                                     vitalizer-customizing

g:vitalizer#vital_dir                           g:vitalizer#vital_dir
        Base directory of Vital.  This is usually set automatically.
        When you are using the Vital by Git submodule and symbolic link on MS
        Windows, it may be necessary to set this.


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