Vim documentation: vital/Data/String/Interpolation

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vital/Data/String/Interpolation.txt   String interpolation in Vim

Maintainer: haya14busa <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-contents

INTRODUCTION            Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-introduction
INTERFACE               Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-interface
  Functions               Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-functions

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-introduction

        Vital.Data.String.Interpolation is String interpolation library.

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let s:I = s:V.import("Data.String.Interpolation")

        echo s:I.interpolate('Hi, ${name}!', {'name': 'haya14busa'})
        " => Hi, haya14busa!
        let s:name = 'haya14busa'

INTERFACE                       Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-interface
FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Data.String.Interpolation-functions

interpolate({str} [,{context}]) Vital.Data.String.Interpolation.interpolate()
        String interpolation[1] allows you to build string with evaluating
        expressions inside ${} in the {string}. You can pass a {context}
        dictionary to evaluate ${expr}. NOTE: Invalid key in {context} is
        skipped like '000' in a:.


        echo s:I.interpolate('Hi, ${name}!', {'name': 'haya14busa'})
        " => Hi, haya14busa!

        let scores = [
        \   {'name': 'haya14busa', 'score': 14},
        \   {'name': 'tom', 'score': 32}
        \ ]
        for score in scores
          echo s:I.interpolate('Hi, ${name}. Your SCORE is ${score}!', score)
        " => Hi, haya14busa. Your SCORE is 14!
        " => Hi, tom. Your SCORE is 32!

        " You can just pass :h internal-variables as a context.
        function! s:IIFE() abort
          let name = 'haya14busa'
          return s:I.interpolate('Hi, ${name}!', l:)
        echo s:IIFE()
        " => Hi, haya14busa!


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