Vim documentation: vital/Vim/Python

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vital/Vim/Python.txt  Vim python/python3 compatible function

Maintainer: lambdalisue <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Vim.Python-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Vim.Python-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Vim.Python-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Vim.Python-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Vim.Python-introduction

Vital.Vim.Python provides compatible functions of python, pyfile, and pyeval.
It automatically uses a correct function/command to execute a Python code/file.

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let s:P = s:V.import('Vim.Python')

        " Check if Python is enabled
        echo s:P.is_enabled()
        " => 0 or 1, depends on +python/+python3

        " Execute a Python file
        execute s:P.exec_file('your/python/')

        " Execute a Python code
        execute s:P.exec_code('print("Hello Python")')

        " Evaluate a Python expression and return
        echo s:P.eval_expr('1 + 1')
        " => 2

        " Get a current major version
        echo s:P.get_major_version()
        " => 0, 2, or 3, depends on +python/+python3

        " Set a current major versioin
        " NOTE: It only affects when a Vim was compiled with +python/+python3
        call s:P.set_major_version(2)
        echo s:P.eval_expr('print(sys.version_info.major)')
        " => 2
        call s:P.set_major_version(3)
        echo s:P.eval_expr('print(sys.version_info.major)')
        " => 3

INTERFACE                               Vital.Vim.Python-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Vim.Python-functions

is_enabled()                            Vital.Vim.Python.is_enabled()

        Return 1 if Vital.Vim.Python.is_python2_enabled() or
        Vital.Vim.Python.is_python3_enabled() return 1.

is_python2_enabled()                    Vital.Vim.Python.is_python2_enabled()

        Return 1 if +python and the following code exit without exceptions.

        python 0

is_python3_enabled()                    Vital.Vim.Python.is_python3_enabled()

        Return 1 if +python3 and the following code exit without exceptions.

        python3 0

get_major_version()                     Vital.Vim.Python.get_major_version()

        Return 0, 2, or 3. Depends on +python and/or +python3 features.
        In case of +python/+python3, it returns a current major version.
        In case of +python/-python3, it always returns 2.
        In case of -python/+python3, it always returns 3.
        In case of -python/-python3, it always returns 0.

set_major_version({version})            Vital.Vim.Python.set_major_version()

        Set a current major version to {version}. It throws an exception if
        the specified {version} is not available or an invalid {version} is
        Calling this function does not make any sense in a Vim not compiled
        with +python/+python3.

exec_file({path}[, {version}])          Vital.Vim.Python.exec_file()

        Return an executable String to execute a Python file {path} (String)
        with a specified {version} of Python.
        It is required to be called with execute to enable script local or
        function local variables in the Python (python-eval).
        If {version} is 0 or omitted, it uses a version value returned from
        It throws an exception if the specified {version} is not available or
        an invalid {version} is specified.

        " Note: use 'execute' instead of 'call'
        execute Python.exec_file('your/python/')

exec_code({code}[, {version}])          Vital.Vim.Python.exec_code()

        Return an executable String to execute a Python {code} (String or List)
        with a specified {version} of Python.
        It is required to be called with execute to enable script local or
        function local variables in the Python (python-eval).
        If {version} is 0 or omitted, it uses a version value returned
        from Vital.Vim.Python.get_major_version().
        It throws an exception if the specified {version} is not available or
        an invalid {version} is specified.

        " Note: use 'execute' instead of 'call'
        execute Python.exec_code('print("hello")')

eval_expr({expr}[, {version}])          Vital.Vim.Python.eval_expr()

        Evaluate a Python {expr} (String or List) with a specified {version} of
        Python and return the result. If {version} is 0 or omitted, it uses a
        version value returned from Vital.Vim.Python.get_major_version().
        It throws an exception if the specified {version} is not available or
        an invalid {version} is specified.

        This function requires a Vim 7.3.601 or later.


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