Vim documentation: vital/Text/INI

main help file
vital/Text/INI.txt    INI file library.

Maintainer: Alisue <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Text.INI-contents

INTRODUCTIONS           Vital.Text.INI-introduction
INTERFACE               Vital.Text.INI-interface
        FUNCTIONS               Vital.Text.INI-functions
        RECORD                  Vital.Text.INI-record

INTRODUCTIONS                           Vital.Text.INI-introduction

Vital.Text.INI is a parser library for INI file.

INTERFACE                               Vital.Text.INI-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Text.INI-functions

parse_record({line})                    Vital.Text.INI.parse_record()

        Parse a line string of INI formatted text and return
        Vital.Text.INI-record object.

        {line} (required)
        String value. A line string. A comment part (any strings after '#')
        will be removed before parse.

parse({ini} [, {fail-silently})         Vital.Text.INI.parse()

        Parse an INI formatted text and return a dictionary.

        {ini} (required)
        String value. An INI formatted text.

        {fail-silently} (optional)
        0 or 1. If it is 0, the function will throw an exception when it found
        unknown formatted line. Otherwise it will ignore the line.

parse_file({file} [, {fail-silently})   Vital.Text.INI.parse_file()

        Parse an INI formatted file and return a dictionary.

        {file} (required)
        String value. A path string of an INI formatted file.

        {fail-silently} (optional)
        0 or 1. If it is 0, the function will throw an exception when it found
        unknown formatted line. Otherwise it will ignore the line.

RECORD                                  Vital.Text.INI-record

Vital.Text.INI-record object is a dictionary which has 'type' attribute.
The 'type' attribute indicate the type of record and followings are used.

        This record indicate an emptyline. Note that comment lines will be
        detected as 'emptyline' while any comment strings are removed before

        This record indicate a section line such as '[default]'. This type of
        record also has 'name' attribute which indicate a name of the section.

        This record indicate a parameter line such as 'key = value'. This type
        of record also has 'key' and 'value' attributes which indicate a key
        and value of the parameter respectively.

        This record indicate an unknown line. This type of record also has
        'value' attribute which contain a value of the line.


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