Vim documentation: vital/Bitwise

main help file
vital/Bitwise.txt     bitwise operators.

Maintainer: thinca  <>

CONTENTS                                        Vital.Bitwise-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Bitwise-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Bitwise-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Bitwise-functions

INTRODUCTION                                    Vital.Bitwise-introduction

Vital.Bitwise provides some bitwise operators.

Vim provides some bitwise operators as builtin functions, but they don't
always exist, depending on the version or the variant of the Vim. This module
provides them as a wrapper, so that Vim plugin authors can guarantee that
these functionalities exist, and the users can benefit from the performance
Vim core provides too.

INTERFACE                                       Vital.Bitwise-interface

FUNCTIONS                                       Vital.Bitwise-functions

and({expr}, {expr})                             Vital.Bitwise.and()
        Bitwise AND on the two arguments.

or({expr}, {expr})                              Vital.Bitwise.or()
        Bitwise OR on the two arguments.

xor({expr}, {expr})                             Vital.Bitwise.xor()
        Bitwise XOR on the two arguments.

invert({expr})                                  Vital.Bitwise.invert()
        Bitwise invert.

lshift({expr}, {bits})                          Vital.Bitwise.lshift()
        Bitwise shifts to left.  {bits} is masked by 0x1F or 0x3F(+num64).

rshift({expr}, {bits})                          Vital.Bitwise.rshift()
        Bitwise logical shifts to right.  {bits} is masked by 0x1F or

compare({expr}, {expr})               
        Compares as unsigned integer.  Returns -1, 0, or 1.

sign_extension({expr})                  Vital.Bitwise.sign_extension()
        Apply sign extension to {expr}.
        This reappears 32bit number in +num64 environment.
        With +num64, when the 32nd bit is 0, upper 32bits are filled by 0.
        Otherwise, it is filled by 1.
        Without +num64, returns {expr}.
        Example(with +num64):
        echo B.sign_extension(4294967295)
        " => -1
        " 4294967295 == 0xFFFFFFFF
        " -1 == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

lshift32({expr}, {bits})                        Vital.Bitwise.lshift32()
        Similar to Vital.Bitwise.lshift(), but always treats 32bit number.
        With +num64, upper 32bits of results are always 0.

rshift32({expr}, {bits})                        Vital.Bitwise.rshift32()
        Similar to Vital.Bitwise.rshift(), but always treats 32bit number.
        With +num64, upper 32bits of {expr} is ignored.

uint8({int})                              Vital.Bitwise.uint8()
        Return uint8 (1 byte) casted integer from {int}.

uint16({int})                             Vital.Bitwise.uint16()
        Return uint16 (2 byte) casted integer from {int}.

uint32({int})                             Vital.Bitwise.uint32()
        Return uint32 (4 byte) casted integer from {int}.

uint64({int})                             Vital.Bitwise.uint64()
        Return uint64 (8 byte) casted integer from {int}.
        NOTE:Support only +num64.

rotate8l({int}, {bits})                   Vital.Bitwise.rotate8l()
        Return value that is {bits}-bit left bit-rotated with {int} as uint8.
        echo printf('08b' B.rotate8(0b11001001, 3)
        "         01001110
        " 110 <-- 01001 <-- 110

rotate8r({int}, {bits})                   Vital.Bitwise.rotate8r()
        Same as Vital.Bitwise.rotate8l(), shift right.

rotate16l({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate16l()
        Return value that is {bits}-bit left bit-rotated with {int} as uint16.

rotate16r({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate16r()
        Same as Vital.Bitwise.rotate16l(), shift right.

rotate32l({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate32l()
        Return value that is {bits}-bit left bit-rotated with {int} as uint32.

rotate32r({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate32r()
        Same as Vital.Bitwise.rotate32l(), shift right.

rotate64l({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate64l()
        Return value that is {bits}-bit left bit-rotated with {int} as uint64.
        NOTE:Support only +num64.

rotate64r({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Bitwise.rotate64r()
        Same as Vital.Bitwise.rotate64l(), shift right.
        NOTE:Support only +num64.


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