Vim documentation: vital/Data/List/Byte

main help file
vital/Data/List/Byte.txt              bytes-list utilities library.

Maintainer: Tsuyoshi CHO <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Data.List.Byte-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Data.List.Byte-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Data.List.Byte-interface
  Functions                       Vital.Data.List.Byte-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Data.List.Byte-introduction

Vital.Data.List.Byte is bytes List and other bytes-list like data converter.

INTERFACE                               Vital.Data.List.Byte-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Data.List.Byte-functions

validate({data})                         Vital.Data.List.Byte.validate()
        returns 1 the given {data} is a List with its all values are
        0 to 255 Numbers.
        Otherwise returns 0.

endian_convert({data})                   Vital.Data.List.Byte.endian_convert()
        Return endian converted bytes-list value.
        Output little-endian as input of big-endian.
        Vice versa output big-endian as input of little-endian.
        Input {data} need 2 or more even count

from_string({str})                       Vital.Data.List.Byte.from_string()
        Return bytes-list from {str}.
        bytes-list like: character cast to byte.

to_string({bytes})                       Vital.Data.List.Byte.to_string()
        Return string that is {bytes} cast to character.

from_hexstring({str})                    Vital.Data.List.Byte.from_hexstring()
        Return bytes-list from {str}.
        bytes-list like: two hex characters decode to byte.
        Also known as Base16.

to_hexstring({bytes})                    Vital.Data.List.Byte.to_hexstring()
        Return hex string that is {bytes} encode to two hex characters.

from_blob({blob})                        Vital.Data.List.Byte.from_blob()
        Return bytes-list from {blob}.
        bytes-list like: Blob data object.

to_blob({bytes})                         Vital.Data.List.Byte.to_blob()
        Return blob that is {bytes} stored to blob structure.

from_int({int}, {bits})                  Vital.Data.List.Byte.from_int()
        Return bytes-list from {int}.
        bytes-list like: {bits} bit-length int value.
        Byte-order: big-endian
        If you need little-endian result, use

to_int({bytes})                          Vital.Data.List.Byte.to_int()
        Return int that is {bytes} decode big-endian bytes value.
        If you need little-endian decode work, use


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