Vim documentation: vital/Vim/Guard

main help file
vital/Vim/Guard.txt           Vim options/variables guard utility

Maintainer: lambdalisue <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Vim.Guard-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Vim.Guard-introduction
USAGE                           Vital.Vim.Guard-usage
INTERFACE                       Vital.Vim.Guard-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Vim.Guard-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Vim.Guard-introduction

Vital.Vim.Guard is used to restore previous values of options/variables.
The followings are supported

- Restoring values of options
  - options
  - global-local
  - local-options
- Restoring values of existing environmental variables
  - let-environment
- Restoring values of registers
  - let-register
- Restoring values of variables
  - buffer-variable (b:)
  - window-variable (w:)
  - tabpage-variable (t:)
  - global-variable (g:)
- Restoring values in a dictionary
  - local-variable (l:), in Vim 7.3.560 or later
  - script-variable (s:)
  - dict
- Restoring instance
  - List
  - Dictionary

USAGE                                   Vital.Vim.Guard-usage

Specify options/variables to and restore previous
values with Vital.Vim.Guard-instance.restore() like:

        let s:G = s:V.import('Vim.Guard')
        let g:foo = 'foo'

        function! s:foobar() abort
          call setreg('a', 'foo')
          let $EDITOR = 'vim'
          let foo = 'foo'
          let l:list1 = ['foo']
          let l:dict1 = {'foo': 'bar'}
          let l:list2 = [['foo']]
          let l:dict2 = {'foo': ['bar']}

          " Guard options/variables
          let guard =[
            \ '&backup',
            \ '@a',
            \ '$EDITOR',
            \ 'g:foo',
            \ ['foo', l:],
            \ [l:list1],
            \ [l:dict1],
            \ [l:list2, 1],
            \ [l:dict2, 1],

          " Assign temporary values
          set nobackup
          call setreg('a', 'bar')
          let $EDITOR = 'nvim'
          unlet g:foo
          let g:foo = 1
          unlet foo
          let foo = []
          call remove(l:list1, 0)
          unlet l:dict1['foo']
          call remove(l:list2, 0)
          unlet l:dict2['foo']

          " restore previous values
          call guard.restore()

          " Check if the value is restored
          echo &backup
          " => 1
          echo getreg('a')
          " => foo
          echo $EDITOR
          " => vim
          echo g:foo
          " => 'foo'
          echo foo
          " => foo
          echo l:list1
          " => ['foo']
          echo l:dict1
          " => {'foo': 'bar'}
          echo l:list2
          " => [['foo']]
          echo l:dict2
          " => {'foo': ['bar']}

INTERFACE                               Vital.Vim.Guard-interface

CONSTANTS                               Vital.Vim.Guard-constants

        1 or 0 to indicate whether the local-variable is supported.
        A lockvar flag of local-variable in Vim 7.3.559 or earlier is not
        initialized and the value of the flag is undetermined. That mean the
        method Vital.Vim.Guard-instance.restore() may fail due to E741.
        Developers should not use this module to store/restore local-variable
        when this constant is 0.

        1 or 0 to indicate whether the third argument of getreg() function.

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Vim.Guard-functions

        Create a new guard instance. Values of options/variables listed in
        {targets} List will be stored in the instance and can be restored by
        calling .restore() method of the instance.

        The following type of value is allowed for items ({target}) of the

        If the {target} contains:
        - One item, the item is assumed as an instance of List or Dictionary
          and the instance will be guarded. Note that if you assign a
          different instance after store, it won't restore the values.
          It works equal to [{instance}, 0] explained below.
        - Two items, the list is assumed as 1.) [{attr}, {namespace}] or 2.)
          [{instance}, {shallow}] described individually below:
          1.) Where {attr} is a name of attribute in {namespace} Dictionary.
          If {attr} does not exist in {namespace}, The {attr} in {namespace}
          will be removed from {namespace} if exists when
          .restore() method of the guard instance is called.
          Use this type to guard local-variable (l:), script-variable (s:),
          or attributes in dict.
          See Vital.Vim.Guard.is_local_variable_supported if you would like
          to store/restore local-variable in Vim 7.3.559 or earlier.
          2.) Where {instance} is an instance of List or Dictionary and
          {shallow} is a flag to use copy instead of deepcopy to store
          contents of the instance. When {shallow} is 1, the content of the
          instance is copied rather than deepcopied, indicating that values
          could not be restored when user changes the contents inside the
          contents of the instance. Use {shallow} when the reference of the
          each contents are prior to the content itself.
        It will raise an exception when {target} contains less or more number
        of items than expect.

        If the {target} starts from:
        - &, &g:, or &l:, the named option would be guarded. Note that
          individual assignment of option does not work on Vim 7.3.
        - @, the named register would be guarded. Note that unnamed register
          should use @@ instead of @, which is explained in let-register.
        - $, the named environment variable would be guarded. Note that Vim
          does not allow to unlet environment variables so Vim.Guard cannot
          guard non existing environment variable and will throw an exception
          when the variable is going to be guarded.
        - b:, w:, t:, or g:, a named buffer-variable, window-variable,
          tabpage-variable, or global-variable would be guarded
        Note that the guard instance is insensible of the change of the
        current buffer, mean that buffer-variable, window-variable, or
        tabpage-variable would not be correctly re-stored when users move the
        buffer to the other before Vital.Vim.Guard-instance.restore().

INSTANCE                                Vital.Vim.Guard-instance

restore()               Vital.Vim.Guard-instance.restore()
        Restore guarded values.


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