Vim documentation: vital/DateTime

main help file
vital/DateTime.txt    date and time library.

Maintainer: thinca <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.DateTime-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.DateTime-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.DateTime-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.DateTime-functions
OBJECTS                         Vital.DateTime-objects
  DateTime Object                 Vital.DateTime-DateTime
  TimeZone Object                 Vital.DateTime-TimeZone
  TimeDelta Object                Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta
FORMAT                          Vital.DateTime-format
TIPS                            Vital.DateTime-tips
TODO                            Vital.DateTime-todo

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.DateTime-introduction

Vital.DateTime is a date and time library.

- This library uses proleptic Gregorian calendar.
- Doesn't treat DST(summer time).
- Doesn't treat leap second.

INTERFACE                               Vital.DateTime-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.DateTime-functions

        Creates a new DateTime object with now time.
        See Vital.DateTime-DateTime about DateTime object.
        See Vital.DateTime.timezone() about {timezone}.

from_unix_time({unix-time} [, {timezone}])
        Creates a new DateTime object from {unix-time}.
        See Vital.DateTime-DateTime about DateTime object.
        See Vital.DateTime.timezone() about {timezone}.

from_date([{year} [, {month} [, {day}
          [, {hour} [, {minute} [, {second} [, {timezone}]]]]]]])
        Creates a new DateTime object from date info.
        See Vital.DateTime-DateTime about DateTime object.
        See Vital.DateTime.timezone() about {timezone}.

from_format({string}, {format} [, {locale}])
        Creates a new DateTime object from format.
        See Vital.DateTime-DateTime about DateTime object.
        See Vital.DateTime-format about {format}.

from_julian_day({jd} [, {timezone}])    Vital.DateTime.from_julian_day()
        Creates a new DateTime object from Julian day.
        {jd} accepts Float value.
        See Vital.DateTime-DateTime about DateTime object.
        See Vital.DateTime.timezone() about {timezone}.

timezone([{timezone}])                  Vital.DateTime.timezone()
        Creates a new TimeZone object.
        {timezone} accepts one of following.
        - Omitted or an empty string
          - Returns current timezone.
        - A string like "+0900", "+09:00", or "+09"
          - Regexp: "^[+-]\?\d\{1,2}:\?\d\{1,2}$"
        - A number that specifies the offset by hour.
        - TimeZone object.
          - Returns it directly.
        See Vital.DateTime-TimeZone about TimeZone object.

delta({days}, {seconds})
delta({value}, {unit}, ...)
        Creates a new TimeDelta object.
        {unit} accepts the followings:
        "second", "sec", "minute", "min", "hour", "day", "week"
        Returns {TimeDelta} directly.

compare({datetime1}, {datetime2})
        Comparison function for DateTime.
        This is same to ""
        This is useful when using sort().

month_names([{longname} [, {locale}]])  Vital.DateTime.month_names()
        Returns month names according to the current or specified locale.
        If {longname} is supplied and it is true, returns long name.

weekday_names([{longname} [, {locale}]]) Vital.DateTime.weekday_names()
        Returns weekday names according to the current or specified locale.
        If {longname} is supplied and it is true, returns long name.

am_pm_names([{lowercase} [, {locale}]]) Vital.DateTime.am_pm_names()
        Returns am/pm names according to the current or specified locale.
        If {lowercase} is supplied and it is true, returns lower case.

is_leap_year({year})                    Vital.DateTime.is_leap_year()
        Returns true when the {year} is a leap year.

OBJECTS                                 Vital.DateTime-objects

DateTime Object                 Vital.DateTime-DateTime

DateTime.year()                 Vital.DateTime-DateTime.year()
        Returns the year.

DateTime.month()                Vital.DateTime-DateTime.month()
        Returns the month. (1-12)        
        Returns the day. (1-31)

DateTime.hour()                 Vital.DateTime-DateTime.hour()
        Returns the hour. (0-23)

DateTime.minute()               Vital.DateTime-DateTime.minute()
        Returns the minute. (0-59)

DateTime.second()               Vital.DateTime-DateTime.second()
        Returns the second. (0-59)

DateTime.timezone()             Vital.DateTime-DateTime.timezone()
        Returns the TimeZone object.
        Returns a new object with the specified {timezone}.
        This changes only {timezone}, the number of time is not changed.

DateTime.day_of_week()          Vital.DateTime-DateTime.day_of_week()
        Returns the day of the week. (0-6)  0 is Sunday.

DateTime.day_of_year()          Vital.DateTime-DateTime.day_of_year()
        Returns the day of the year.

DateTime.days_from_era()        Vital.DateTime-DateTime.days_from_era()
        Returns the number of days from the Christian era.

DateTime.julian_day([{float}])  Vital.DateTime-DateTime.julian_day()
        Returns the Julian day.
        If {float} is supplied and it is true, returns Float value.

DateTime.seconds_of_day()       Vital.DateTime-DateTime.seconds_of_day()
        Returns the number of seconds of the day.

DateTime.quarter()              Vital.DateTime-DateTime.quarter()
        Returns the quarter. (1-4)

DateTime.unix_time()            Vital.DateTime-DateTime.unix_time()
        Returns the unix time.
        If this DateTime is out of range of unix time, returns -1.
        The upper limit is 2038, but if your Vim has +num64 it's limitless.

DateTime.is_leap_year()         Vital.DateTime-DateTime.is_leap_year()
        Returns true when the year is a leap year.{DateTime})
        Returns true if this DateTime and the specified {DateTime} is the same
        Returns -1 if {DateTime} is later more than this DateTime.
        Returns 0 if {DateTime} and this DateTime is same.
        Returns 1 if {DateTime} is precedes more than this DateTime.{DateTime})
        Returns a new TimeDelta(Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta) object.
        It is the delta of this DateTime to {DateTime}.{delta})  {timezone})
        Returns a new object from which the specified time is different.
        This function accepts the followings:
        - {TimeDelta} object or {TimeZone} object.
        - If the length of argument is one, it is a {timezone}.
          This the same arguments as Vital.DateTime.timezone().
        - If the length of argument is two or more, it is a {delta}.
          This the same arguments as

DateTime.format({format} [, {locale}])
        Returns the formatted string of this DateTime.
        See Vital.DateTime-format about {format}.

DateTime.strftime({format} [, {locale}])
        An alternative version of Vital.DateTime-DateTime.format() which
        use strftime() internally. While Vital.DateTime-DateTime.format()
        parse {format}, it is really slow compared to using strftime().
        However Vital.DateTime-DateTime.format() is required while accepted
        {format} and a return value of strftime() depends on the system.
        That's why this function exists for user who need performance but the
        It substitutes '%z' in {format} into the value returned from
        Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.offset_string() while strftime() always
        return the system default timezone offset string.
        for benchmarking.

DateTime.to_string()            Vital.DateTime-DateTime.to_string()
        Same as "format('%c')".

TimeZone Object                 Vital.DateTime-TimeZone

TimeZone has just the offset.  Name of timezone is not supported yet.

TimeZone.offset()               Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.offset()
        Returns the offset in second.

TimeZone.minutes()              Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.minutes()
        Returns the offset in minute.

TimeZone.hours()                Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.hours()
        Returns the offset in hour.

TimeZone.sign()                 Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.sign()
        Returns the offset of sign.  This is -1, 0, or 1.

TimeZone.offset_string()        Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.offset_string()
        Returns the offset by the format used by RFC 2822.  ex: "+0900"

TimeZone.w3c()                  Vital.DateTime-TimeZone.w3c()
        Returns the offset by the format used by W3CDTF.  ex: "+09:00"

TimeDelta Object                Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta

TimeDelta is a delta of two DateTime.

TimeDelta.seconds()             Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.seconds()
        Returns the seconds component.

TimeDelta.minutes()             Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.minutes()
        Returns the minutes component.

TimeDelta.hours()               Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.hours()
        Returns the hours component.

TimeDelta.days()                Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.days()
        Returns the days component.

TimeDelta.weeks()               Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.weeks()
        Returns the days component by the unit of the week.

TimeDelta.months()              Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.months()
        Returns the days component by the unit of the month.
        The month is always calculated in 30 days.

TimeDelta.years()               Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.years()
        Returns the days component by the unit of the years.
        The year is always calculated in 365 days.

TimeDelta.total_seconds()       Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.total_seconds()
        Returns the total seconds of the delta.
        This may overflow, when the delta is large.

TimeDelta.sign()                Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.sign()
        Returns the seconds sign of the delta.
        This is -1, 0, or 1.

TimeDelta.negate()              Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.negate()
        Returns a new negated TimeDelta object.
        delta.sign() == -delta.negate().sign()

TimeDelta.duration()            Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.duration()
        Returns a TimeDelta object that is absolute value.{TimeDelta})
        Returns true if this TimeDelta and the specified {TimeDelta} is the
        same delta.

TimeDelta.add({other})          Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.add()
        Returns a new TimeDelta object which added this and {other}.
        {other} accepts the same arguments as

TimeDelta.subtract({other})     Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.subtract()
        Returns a new TimeDelta object which subtracted this and {other}.
        {other} accepts the same arguments as

TimeDelta.about()               Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.about()
        Returns a string that about this delta.
        "8 seconds later"
        "30 minutes ago"
        "1 hour later"
        "4 days ago"
        "3 weeks later"
        "2 months ago"
        "1 year later"

TimeDelta.to_string()           Vital.DateTime-TimeDelta.to_string()
        Returns a string representation of this TimeDelta.  It is the
        following string.
        "[-]{n}day[s], HH:MM:SS".

FORMAT                                  Vital.DateTime-format

The format is used by the following functions.
- Vital.DateTime-DateTime.format()
  - For formatting.
- Vital.DateTime.from_format()
  - For parsing.

The format is similar to strftime().
There is a list of specifications of the format.

  +---- Available for formatting
  | +-- Available for parsing
  | |
  o o  %%  The '%' character.
  o    %a  The abbreviated weekday name.
  o    %A  The full weekday name.
  o o  %b  The abbreviated month name.
  o o  %B  The full month name.
  o o  %c  Equivalent to "%F %T %z".
  o o  %C  The century number (year/100) as a 2-digit integer.
  o o  %d  The day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31).
  o o  %D  Equivalent to "%m/%d/%y".
  o o  %e  Equivalent to "%_m/%_d/%_y".
  o o  %F  Equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d".
  o o  %h  Equivalent to "%b".
  o o  %H  The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock(range 00 to 23).
  o o  %I  The hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock(range 01 to 12).
  o    %j  The day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366).
  o o  %k  Equivalent to "%_H".
  o o  %l  Equivalent to "%_I".
  o o  %m  The month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12).
  o o  %M  The minute as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).
  o o  %n  When formatting, a newline character.
           When parsing, arbitrary whitespace.
  o o  %p  Either "AM" or "PM" according to the given time value.
  o o  %P  Like %p but in lowercase.  NOTE: This doesn't work in MS Windows.
  o o  %r  Equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p".
  o o  %R  Equivalent to "%H:%M".
  o    %s  The number of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000.
  o o  %S  The second as a decimal number (range 00 to 59).
  o o  %t  When formatting, a tab character.
           When parsing, arbitrary whitespace.
  o o  %u  The day of the week as a decimal, range 1 to 7, Monday being 1.
  o o  %T  Equivalent to "%H:%M:%S".
  o    %w  The day of the week as a decimal, range 0 to 6, Sunday being 0.
  o o  %y  The year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99).
  o o  %Y  The year as a decimal number including the century.
  o o  %z  The +hhmm or -hhmm numeric timezone.  The pattern which this uses
           for parsing is same as the argument of Vital.DateTime.timezone().
           But, an empty string is treated as UTC.
    o  %*  Any texts.

Flags and width
You can use the flag and width like glibc.
TODO: More detail.

TIPS                                    Vital.DateTime-tips

- All objects are immutable.
  - Don't touch the inner value.
- {timezone} argument accepts arguments of Vital.DateTime.timezone()

TODO                                    Vital.DateTime-todo

- Week number of the current year.
- Optional member "TimeDelta.from".
  - The origin date.
  - For accurate years and months.
- more specs(test).


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