Vim documentation: vital/Locale/Message

main help file
vital/Locale/Message.txt      very simple message localization library.

Maintainer: thinca <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Locale.Message-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Locale.Message-introduction
USAGE                           Vital.Locale.Message-usage
INTERFACE                       Vital.Locale.Message-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Locale.Message-functions
  Message Object                  Vital.Locale.Message-Message
MESSAGE TEXT                    Vital.Locale.Message-message-text

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Locale.Message-introduction

Vital.Locale.Message is a very simple message localization library.

USAGE                                   Vital.Locale.Message-usage

        let s:V = vital#my_plugin#new()
        let s:message = s:V.import('Locale.Message').new('my-plugin')
        function! s:_(text)
          return s:message._(a:text)

        echo s:_('my-plugin is loaded.')

INTERFACE                               Vital.Locale.Message-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Locale.Message-functions

        Creates a new Message object(Vital.Locale.Message-Message).
        {plugin-name} is used as the location of message text.
        See also Vital.Locale.Message-message-text.

get_lang()                              Vital.Locale.Message.get_lang()
        Gets the current language code.

Message Object                  Vital.Locale.Message-Message

Message.get({text})             Vital.Locale.Message-Message.get()
        Returns a localized text.
        If the text is not found, returns {text}.

Message._({text})               Vital.Locale.Message-Message._()
        Shortcut version of Vital.Locale.Message-Message.get().

Message.load({lang})            Vital.Locale.Message-Message.load()
        Loads a message text file manually.
        Normally, this is called by automatically.

Message.missing({text})         Vital.Locale.Message-Message.missing()
        This is called by Vital.Locale.Message-Message.get() if the {text}
        was not found in the message text file.
        By default, nothing is done.
        This is used for debugging by the override.
        If a string is returned, it is used for localized text.

        let s:mes ='my-plugin')
        if g:my_plugin_debug
          function s:mes.missing(text)
            echomsg 'Text missing: ' . a:text

        An example of dynamic translation.
        (localized texts of Message object is stored in "data" attribute.)

        let s:mes ='my-plugin')
        function s:mes.missing(text)
          let[a:text] = Translate(a:text)

MESSAGE TEXT                            Vital.Locale.Message-message-text

A localized message text file should be placed in following.


- {runtimepath} is a one of 'runtimepath'.
- {plugin-name} is your plugin name.
  It is passed to
- {lang} is language code.  Ex: en, ja, fr, ...

If {plugin-name} contains "%s", the rule changes.


"%s" is replaced by {lang}.

Content of a message text file is as following.

          # comment line
          'message': 'メッセージ',
          'hello': 'こんにちは',

This is just a Vim Dictionary.  This file must be written by utf-8.
A comment line starts with "#".  A comment cannot start after a text.


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