Vim documentation: vital/Text/CSV

main help file
vital/Text/CSV.txt    CSV library.

Maintainer: tyru <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Text.CSV-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Text.CSV-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Text.CSV-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Text.CSV-functions

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Text.CSV-introduction

Vital.Text.CSV is a CSV parser and dumper.

INTERFACE                       Vital.Text.CSV-interface

FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Text.CSV-functions

parse({csvstring})                      Vital.Text.CSV.parse()
        Parses records of CSV.  Returns a list of objects.

parse_record({csvline})         Vital.Text.CSV.parse_record()
        Parses a record of CSV.  Returns an object.

parse_file({file})              Vital.Text.CSV.parse_file()
        Parses a CSV file.

dump({listofdata})                      Vital.Text.CSV.dump()
        Converts a list of records to a CSV string.

dump_record({data})                     Vital.Text.CSV.dump_record()
        Converts a record (List) to a CSV string.

dump_file({data}, {file} [, {append}])
        Dumps {data} to {file}.  If {append} is true, the data is appended.


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