Vim documentation: vital/System/File

main help file
vital/System/File.txt         filesystem utilities library.

Maintainer: Shougo  <>
            tyru    <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.System.File-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.System.File-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.System.File-interface
  Functions                       Vital.System.File-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.System.File-introduction

Vital.System.File is Filesystem Utilities Library.
It provides some functions for file system.

        let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
        let s:F = s:V.import("System.File")

INTERFACE                               Vital.System.File-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.System.File-functions

        Opens a file specified as {filename}.  {filename} is a file or a


move({src}, {dest})                     Vital.System.File.move()
        Renames a file {src} to {dest}. Returns non-zero if successful,
        otherwise 0.

        call s:F.move("/tmp/old", "/tmp/new")

copy({src}, {dest})                     Vital.System.File.copy()
        Copies a file {src} to {dest}. Returns non-zero if successful,
        otherwise 0.

        call s:F.copy("/tmp/old", "/tmp/new")

copy_dir({src}, {dest})                 Vital.System.File.copy_dir()
        This function invokes Vital.System.File.copy_dir_exe()
        if your environment has a command to copy a directory.
        Otherwise, this function invokes Vital.System.File.copy_dir_vim().
        Returns non-zero on success.
        Returns zero on failure.

copy_dir_exe({src}, {dest})             Vital.System.File.copy_dir_exe()
        Copy a {src} directory to {dest}.
        This function only works if your environment has a command
        to copy a directory. See the followings for the required command.

        Unix    Windows
        cp      robocopy

        Returns non-zero on success.
        Returns zero on failure.

copy_dir_vim({src}, {dest})             Vital.System.File.copy_dir_vim()
        This is pure Vim script implementation of
        Returns non-zero on success.
        Returns zero on failure.

mkdir_nothrow({name} [, {path} [, {prot}]])
        Creates a directory {name} without throwing any exception.  The
        arguments are used like with mkdir().  Returns a non-zero Number
        if successful, otherwise 0.

        echo s:F.mkdir_nothrow("/tmp/exists_file")
        " 0

rmdir({path} [, {flags}])               Vital.System.File.rmdir()
        Removes a directory {path}.
        If {flags} contains "r", this removes the directory and its contents


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