Vim documentation: vital/Web/HTTP/Cookie

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vital/Web/HTTP/Cookie.txt     An HTTP Cookie utility.

Maintainer: thinca <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-functions
OBJECTS                         Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-objects
  Cookie                          Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-introduction

Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie is an HTTP Cookie library.

If you want to manage Cookie collection, you can use Vital.Web.HTTP.CookieJar.

        let s:Cookie = vital#{plugin-name}#new().import('Web.HTTP.Cookie')
        let cookie ='name=value', '')
        " => 'name'
        echo cookie.value()
        " => 'value'
        let data = s:Cookie.export(cookie)
        let new_cookie = s:Cookie.import(data)

INTERFACE                       Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-interface

FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-functions

new({cookie-string}, {request-uri})
        Creates a new Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie object.
        {cookie-string} is a value of "Set-Cookie:" HTTP header.

export({cookie})                Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie.export()
        Exports a {cookie} to a Dictionary.
        This dictionary contains data only.  You can save it to file.

import({data})                  Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie.import()
        Creates a new Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie object from {data}.
        {data} is created by Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie.export().

OBJECTS                 Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-objects

Cookie                  Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie

        A Cookie object represents an HTTP Cookie. 
        Returns the name of cookie.

Cookie.value()          Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.value()
        Returns the value of cookie.

Cookie.expiry_time()    Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.expiry_time()
        Returns expiry time from "Expires" or "Max-Age" attribute.
        This returns Vital.DateTime-DateTime object.
        If this Cookie has no expiry time, this returns a DateTime which shows
        the far future.

Cookie.domain()         Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.domain()
        Returns Domain of cookie.
        This if from "Domain" attribute or the domain part of requested URI.

Cookie.path()           Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.path()
        Returns path of cookie.
        This if from "Path" attribute or the path part of requested URI.

Cookie.creation_time()  Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.creation_time()
        Returns creation time of cookie.
        This returns Vital.DateTime-DateTime object.

        Returns last access time of cookie.
        This returns Vital.DateTime-DateTime object.

Cookie.is_persistent()  Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_persistent()
        Returns non-zero when this cookie has "Expires" or "Max-Age"

Cookie.is_host_only()   Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_host_only()
        Returns non-zero when this cookie doesn't have domain attribute.

Cookie.is_secure()      Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_secure()
        Returns "Secure" attribute.
        Returns 1 or 0.

Cookie.is_http_only()   Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_http_only()
        Returns "HttpOnly" attribute.
        Returns 1 or 0.

Cookie.attributes()     Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.attributes()
        Returns Cookie attributes by Dictionary.
        This dictionary may contain the following items.

                The "Expires" attribute.
                This is raw string, not a DateTime object.

                The "Max-Age" attribute.
                This is Number.

                The "Domain" attribute.

                The "Path" attribute.

                The "Secure" attribute.
                The value of this is always empty string.

                The "HttpOnly" attribute.
                The value of this is always empty string.

        Sets cookie value.

        Updates last access time.

        Makes "Set-Cookie:" header.
        This does not contain "Set-Cookie:" string.

Cookie.is_match({url})  Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_match()
        Returns non-zero when this cookie is used at {url}.

        Returns non-zero when this cookie is expired.
        You can change current time to check by {now}.
        {now} is a Vital.DateTime-DateTime object.
        Returns false when this cookie is persistent.

Cookie.is_valid()       Vital.Web.HTTP.Cookie-Cookie.is_valid()
        Returns non-zero when this cookie is valid.


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