Vim documentation: vital/System/Cache

main help file
vital/System/Cache.txt        A unified cache system

Maintainer: Alisue <>

CONTENTS                        Vital.System.Cache-contents

Introductions           Vital.System.Cache-intro
Usage                   Vital.System.Cache-usage
Interface               Vital.System.Cache-interface
  Functions             Vital.System.Cache-functions
  Methods               Vital.System.Cache-methods

INTRODUCTIONS                           Vital.System.Cache-intro

Vital.System.Cache is a unified cache system. All variants (backends) share
the application interface so users can easily switch to a different cache
variant. Currently the following variants are available.

- Vital.System.Cache.Dummy      : A dummy cache system which cache nothing
- Vital.System.Cache.Memory     : A dictionary instance based cache system
- Vital.System.Cache.File       : A file based cache system
- Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile : A single file based cache system

Note Vital.System.Cache is replaced with a new unified cache system. An old
version have been moved into Vital.System.Cache.Deprecated.

USAGE                                   Vital.System.Cache-usage

First of all, create a new cache instance via
function. The following assume that you want to use a file based cache system.

        let s:Cache = s:V.import('System.Cache')
        let s:cache ='file', { 'cache_dir': '~/.cache/foo' })

The function take one or two arguments. The first
argument is a name of a variant and currently the followings are available:

- "dummy"      : For Vital.System.Cache.Dummy
- "memory"     : For Vital.System.Cache.Memory
- "file"       : For Vital.System.Cache.File
- "singlefile" : For Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile

The second argument is a variant specified option dictionary. For example,
Vital.System.Cache.File require 'cache_dir' option so the example code above
specify 'cache_dir' option in the second argument. See a document of each
variant for available options.

Note that variants listed above will automatically vitalized when you vitalize
Vital.System.Cache to enable switching variants.
If you just want to use a particular variant and want to reduce the size of
your vital directory, you can directly import the variant without using
Vital.System.Cache module like:

        " You don't need a first argument for new() while you are directly
        " importing a particular variant
        let s:Cache = s:V.import('System.Cache.File')
        let s:cache ={ 'cache_dir': '~/.cache/foo' })

After you get an instance of cache system, you can manipulate your cache with
the following interface:

- has({name})                   Check if a {name} cache exists
- get({name}[, {default}])      Get a value from a {name} cache
- set({name}, {value})          Set a value to a {name} cache
- keys()                        Get a list of available cache names
- remove({name})                Remove a {name} cache
- clear()                       Remove all caches

The following example code simply calculate a factorial number by using a
cache system.

        function! s:factorial(n)
          if a:n == 0
            return 1
          elseif s:cache.has(a:n)
            return s:cache.get(a:n)
            let x = s:factorial(a:n - 1) * a:n
            call s:cache.set(a:n, x)
            return x

        echo s:factorial(10)

If you want to create your own variants, follow an instruction written in

INTERFACE                               Vital.System.Cache-interface

See a document of each variant for detail. The following explain general
meaning of each API.

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.System.Cache-functions

new({name}[, {options}])      

        Create a new instance of System.Cache. The following variant {name}s
        are currently available:

        A dummy cache system (Vital.System.Cache.Dummy)

        A dictionary instance based cache system (Vital.System.Cache.Memory)

        A filesystem based cache system (Vital.System.Cache.File)

        A single file based cache system (Vital.System.Cache.SingleFile)

        The second argument {options} will be passed to a new method of a
        specified variant. See a document of new function in each variant to
        find available options.

register({name}, {class})               Vital.System.Cache.register()

        Register a new variant {class} as {name}.

unregister({name})                      Vital.System.Cache.unregister()

        Remove a registration of {name} variant.

METHODS                                 Vital.System.Cache-methods

cache_key({obj})                Vital.System.Cache-instance.cache_key()

        Return a String which will be used as a cache key of {obj}.

has({name})                     Vital.System.Cache-instance.has()

        Whether the cache instance has a {name} cache or not.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key should have been created via
        cache_key() method of each variant thus {name} is not required to be

get({name}[, {default}])        Vital.System.Cache-instance.get()

        Return a value from a {name} cache. If no {name} cache is found, it
        returns {default} or an empty String.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key should have been created via
        cache_key() method of each variant thus {name} is not required to be

        {default} (optional)
        A default value. If no {default} is specified, an empty String
        should be used.

set({name}, {value})            Vital.System.Cache-instance.set()

        Save {value} to a {name} cache.

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key should have been created via
        cache_key() method of each variant thus {name} is not required to be

        {value} (required)
        A value of the cache.

keys()                          Vital.System.Cache-instance.keys()

        Return a list of cache keys

remove({name})                  Vital.System.Cache-instance.remove()

        Remove a {name} cache. If no {name} cache is found, it should do

        {name} (required)
        A name of the cache. An actual cache key should have been created via
        cache_key() method of each variant thus {name} is not required to be

clear()                         Vital.System.Cache-instance.clear()

        Clear all caches

on_changed()                    Vital.System.Cache-instance.on_changed()

        A user defined hook method. This method is called when the content of
        the cache is changed, namely after the following methods:
        - Vital.System.Cache-instance.set()
        - Vital.System.Cache-instance.remove()
        - Vital.System.Cache-instance.clear()


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