Vim documentation: vital/Vim/Type

main help file
vital/Vim/Type.txt    Check variable types.

Maintainer: thinca <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Vim.Type-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Vim.Type-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Vim.Type-interface
  CONSTANTS                       Vital.Vim.Type-constants
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Vim.Type-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Vim.Type-introduction

Vital.Vim.Type is a module to check type of variables.

        :let s:T = vital#{plugin-name}#import('Vim.Type')

INTERFACE                               Vital.Vim.Type-interface

CONSTANTS                               Vital.Vim.Type-constants

types                                   Vital.Vim.Type-types
        A dictionary that has the results of type() function.
        This is useful in older versions without v:t_TYPE variables.

        number: 0
        string: 1
        func: 2
        list: 3
        dict: 4
        float: 5
        bool: 6
        none: 7
        job: 8
        channel: 9
        blob: 10

        let s:t = s:T.types

        let foo_t = type(foo)
        if foo_t == s:t.string
          " ...
        elseif foo_t == s:t.list
          " ...

type_names                              Vital.Vim.Type-type_names
        A dictionary that maps from type value to type name.

         0: number
         1: string
         2: func
         3: list
         4: dict
         5: float
         6: bool
         7: none
         8: job
         9: channel
        10: blob

        :echo s:T.type_names[type('')]

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Vim.Type-functions

is_numeric({value})                     Vital.Vim.Type.is_numeric()
        Returns TRUE if {value} is a Number or a Float, FALSE otherwise.
        :echo s:T.is_numeric(123)
        :echo s:T.is_numeric(1.23)
        :echo s:T.is_numeric("hoge")

is_special({value})                     Vital.Vim.Type.is_special()
        Returns TRUE if {value} is a Special, FALSE otherwise.  In other
        words, {value} is v:false, v:true, v:none, or v:null.

is_predicate({value})                   Vital.Vim.Type.is_predicate()
        Returns TRUE if {value} can be used as predicate, FALSE otherwise.
        In other words, this returns TRUE if {value} can use as argument of
        function! s:foo(val) abort
          if !s:T.is_predicate(a:val)
            return 'invalid'
          return v:val ? 'true' : 'false'

is_comparable({value1}, {value2})       Vital.Vim.Type.is_comparable()
        Returns TRUE if {value1} and {value2} can be compared by expr-==,
        FALSE otherwise.


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