Vim documentation: vital/Validator/Args

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vital/Validator/Args.txt      Arguments validation library

Maintainer: tyru <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Validator.Args-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Validator.Args-introduction
EXAMPLES                        Vital.Validator.Args-examples
INTERFACE                       Vital.Validator.Args-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Validator.Args-functions
VALIDATOR OBJECT                Vital.Validator.Args-Validator-object

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Validator.Args-introduction

Vital.Validator.Args is a library to validate arity / types / contents of
function's arguments. This library separates concerns about invalid arity,
types, and values.

EXAMPLES                                Vital.Validator.Args-examples

type()                          Vital.Validator.Args-example-type

        let s:Validator = vital#{plugin-name}#import('Validator.Args')
        let s:TYPE = s:Validator.TYPE

        " s:func1() receives one number argument
        let s:func1_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func1()')
        function! s:func1(...) abort
          " validate() throws an exception when:
          " * arity is not 1
          " * if the first argument is not a number
          let [n] = s:func1_args.validate(a:000)
          echo 'n is a number: ' . n

        " s:func2() receives two number and string arguments
        let s:func2_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func2()')
                    \.type(v:t_number, v:t_string)

type(): Union types             Vital.Validator.Args-example-union-types

        " s:func3() receives one number or float argument
        let s:func3_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func3()')
                    \.type([v:t_number, v:t_float])

type(): Optional arguments

        " s:func4() receives one string argument and zero or more optional arguments
        " (NOTE: if the last type is optional argument, skip the rest arguments validations)
        let s:func4_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func4()')
                    \.type(v:t_string, 'option')

        " if you want to check also the optional arguments, specify the types
        " after optional argument (s:func5() receives exact 1-2 argument(s): Number [, Number])
        let s:func5_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func5()')
                    \.type(v:t_number, 'option', v:t_number)

type(): Any type                Vital.Validator.Args-example-any-type

        " s:func6() receives one arbitrary type argument
        let s:func6_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func6()')

assert()                        Vital.Validator.Args-example-assert

        " s:func7() receives one positive number argument
        " (type() validations were done before assert() validations
        "  regardless of invoked order)
        let s:func7_args =
        \ s:Validator.of('func7()')
                    \.assert(1, 'v:val > 0',
                    \  'the first argument should be a positive number')
        function! s:func7(...) abort
          " validate() throws an exception when:
          " * arity is not 1
          " * if the first argument is not a number
          " * if the first argument is not a positive number
          let [n] = s:func7_args.validate(a:000)
          echo 'n is a positive number: ' . n
        " Here is an example of Vim script's built-in function range()
        let s:range_args = validator.of('vital: Stream: range()')
                                   \.type(v:t_number, 'option', v:t_number, v:t_number)
                                   \.assert(3, 'v:val !=# 0', 'stride is zero')

INTERFACE                               Vital.Validator.Args-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Validator.Args-functions

of({prefix} [, {enable}])                               Vital.Validator.Args.of()
        Creates validator of a function. {prefix} is a prefix of a thrown
        exception message. see Vital.Validator.Args-exceptions for the
        examples of thrown exception messages.
        If {enable} was given and zero, this module does not perform any
        validations. It is useful to switch in debug/production environment.

        " Validates arguments if 'g:myplugin#enable_debug' is non-zero.
        " Otherwise this does not validate arguments.
        let func_args = s:Validator.of('func()', g:myplugin#enable_debug)
        function! s:func(...) abort
          let [n] = s:func_args.validate(a:000)

          " ...

VALIDATOR OBJECT                        Vital.Validator.Args-Validator-object

Validator.type([{type} ...])            Vital.Validator.Args-Validator.type()
        Specify types of arguments.
        {type} is Number (like type(42), v:t_string) or
        some special String values below.

                An arbitrary type argument.
                An optional argument (Vim script's "..." in :function arguments).
                If the last type is optional argument, skip validation of rest arguments.
                But if any type(s) were given after optional argument, check the type(s)
                and arity.
                See examples for Vital.Validator.Args-example-optional-arguments.

        See Vital.Validator.Args-example-type for examples.

Validator.assert({nth}, {assert} [, {msg}])
        Specify assertions of arguments.

        {nth} is 1-origin number which specifies the number of argument.

        {assert} is a Funcref or String which is a function to receive a
        value of each argument.

        {msg} is an exception message.
        Default value is: "the " . nth . "th argument's assertion failed"

        See Vital.Validator.Args-example-assert for examples.

Validator.validate({args})              Vital.Validator.Args-Validator.validate()
        Validates given arguments {args} and throw an exception if the given
        arguments don't match with defined arguments. {args} is a List of
        arguments. A thrown exception format is: {prefix}: {msg}

        See Vital.Validator.Args-example-assert for examples.

        This method throws an exception when:

        * Arity is different with type()'s arguments:
          func(): too few arguments or
          func(): too many arguments

        * Any types of function arguments and type()'s arguments
          are different:
          func(): invalid type arguments were given (expected: string, got: number)

        * assert()'s {assert} argument doesn't match with the given argument:
          func(): the {nth}th argument's assertion was failed
          or, assert()'s {msg} was given:
          func(): {msg}


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