Vim documentation: vital/Stream

main help file
vital/Stream.txt      A streaming library

Maintainer: tyru <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Stream-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Stream-introduction
EXAMPLES                        Vital.Stream-examples
LIMITATION                      Vital.Stream-limitation
INTERFACE                       Vital.Stream-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Stream-functions
STREAM OBJECT                   Vital.Stream-Stream-object
  INTERMEDIATE OPERATIONS         Vital.Stream-intermediate-operations
  TERMINAL OPERATIONS             Vital.Stream-terminal-operations
TODO                            Vital.Stream-todo

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Stream-introduction

Vital.Stream is a streaming library, that its APIs are made to resemble Java 8
Stream API (+ Ruby's Enumerable methods, and so on).

This module provides:

- Laziness like Vital.Data.LazyList
- Chaining like underscore.vim
- Functional interface focusing what you want than how you solve a problem
  - Stream module builds execution plan instead of you
- An interface of stream generation function like Java's Spliterator
  See Vital.Stream.generator()
- Higher-order functions that support only Funcref
  - Lambda: s:Stream.of(1,2,3).map({n -> n * 2})
  - Built-in function: s:Stream.of("a","bb","ccc").map(function('len'))

Some methods are not in Java 8 Stream API and vice versa (skip() -> drop(),
limit() -> take(), and slice_before() is not in Stream API). This module does
not aim to be like Java 8 Stream API.

EXAMPLES                                Vital.Stream-examples

FizzBuzz                                Vital.Stream-example-fizzbuzz

        let s:Stream = vital#{plugin-name}#import('Stream')

        function! s:fizzbuzz(n) abort
          return a:n % 15 == 0 ? 'FizzBuzz' :
          \      a:n % 5  == 0 ? 'Buzz' :
          \      a:n % 3  == 0 ? 'Fizz' : a:n

        echo s:Stream.range(1, 100)

Random number generator                 Vital.Stream-example-rng

        " Random number generator (linear congruential generators)
        function! s:make_rand() abort
          let seed = reltime()[1]
          let max = float2nr(pow(2, 31) - 1)
          " rand generates random numbers.
          " drop(): the first number seems too small...
          " map(): limits to 0.0 <= val < 1.0
          " distinct(): gets rid of the same second decimal place of numbers
          return s:Stream.iterate(seed, {n -> (48271 * n) % max})
                        \.map({n -> n / (max + 0.0)})
                        \.distinct({n -> float2nr(round(n * 100))})

        " echo 20 random numbers
        for d in s:make_rand().take(20).to_list()
          echo d

LIMITATION                              Vital.Stream-limitation

NOTE: A stream is not reusable as same as Java Stream API. This limitation
allows internal optimization in the point of view of immutability.

  let s = Stream.of([1,2,3,4,5])
  call{n -> n + 1}).to_list()
  " This throws 'vital: Stream: stream has already been operated upon or closed'
  call{n -> n + 1}).to_list()

INTERFACE                               Vital.Stream-interface

FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Stream-functions

empty()                                 Vital.Stream.empty()
        Shortcut for s:Stream.from_list([]) .

of({elem1} [, {elem2} ...])             Vital.Stream.of()
        Shortcut for s:Stream.from_list([elem1, elem2, ...]) .

chars({str})    Vital.Stream.chars()
        Shortcut for s:Stream.from_list(split(str, '\zs')) .

lines({str})    Vital.Stream.lines()
        Shortcut for s:Stream.from_list(split(str, '\r\?\n', 1)) .
        But this makes empty stream for empty string.

from_dict({dict})       Vital.Stream.from_dict()
        Shortcut for s:Stream.from_list(map({_,item -> {"key": item[0], "value": item[1]}})) .
        Each element is {"key": key, "value": value} .

from_list({list})       Vital.Stream.from_list()
        This makes a stream of elements of {list}.

        Combines given streams with the minimum number of elements.

        " Output: [[1,3], [2,4]]
        echo[s:Stream.of(1,2), s:Stream.of(3,4)]).to_list()

        " Output: [[1,3]]
        echo[s:Stream.of(1,2), s:Stream.of(3)]).to_list()

        " Output: [[1,3,5], [2,4,6]]

        " You can zip infinite stream and finite stream
        " Output: [[1,'foo'], [2,'bar'], [3,'baz']]
              \s:Stream.iterate(1, {n -> n + 1}),
              \s:Stream.of('foo', 'bar', 'baz)])

        " You can zip two infinite streams
        " NOTE: .take(3) prohibits infinite loop
        " Output: [[1,-1], [2,-2], [3,-3]]
              \s:Stream.iterate(1, {n -> n + 1}),
              \s:Stream.iterate(-1, {n -> n - 1})])

        Concatenates given streams.  If any of stream is an infinite stream,
        a result stream is an infinite stream.

        " Output: [1,2,3,4]
        echo s:Stream.concat([s:Stream.of(1,2), s:Stream.of(3,4)]).to_list()

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.concat([s:Stream.of(1,2), s:Stream.of(3)]).to_list()

        " Output: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
        echo s:Stream.concat([

        " You can combine infinite stream and finite stream
        " Output: [1,2,3,4,5]
        echo s:Stream.concat([
              \s:Stream.iterate(4, {n -> n + 1})])

        " You can combine two infinite streams
        " NOTE: .take(3) prohibits infinite loop
        " Output: [[1,-1], [2,-2], [3,-3]]
        echo s:Stream.concat([
              \s:Stream.iterate(1, {n -> n + 1}),
              \s:Stream.iterate(-1, {n -> n - 1})])

iterate({init}, {func})         Vital.Stream.iterate()
        Generates an infinite stream. {init} is the first element of a stream.
        The second element of a stream is the value that {init} is applied to
        {func}. And the result is applied to {func} until the end (if
        downstream limited the number of elements, otherwise it results in an
        infinite loop).

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.iterate(1, {n -> n + 1}).take(3).to_list()

generate({func})                Vital.Stream.generate()
        Generates an infinite stream. This is normally used for a constant

        " Output: [42,42,42]
        echo s:Stream.generate('42').take(3).to_list()

        But this can be also used for random number generation if {func}
        returns random values each time.

        " Simple (but not so randomized?) implementation
        echo s:Stream.generate('reltime()[0] % reltime()[1]').first()

range({expr} [, {max} [, {stride}]])
        Unlike Vim script's range(), this function does not create the large
        number of elements of List like Vim script's range().

        " In Vim script, 1/0 is evaluated to the max value of number
        let very_big_number = 1/0
        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.range(1, very_big_number).take(3).to_list()

generator({dict})               Vital.Stream.generator()
        Creates a stream from generator object {dict}.
        {dict} must have the following method:

        yield({n}, {none})
          Returns a value used for an element of a stream. If the return value
          is same as {none}, the stream ends. {n} is 0 or positive value that
          means the number of called times. At the first time, {n} is 0.

        " This generator creates an infinite stream
        let dict = {}
        function! dict.yield(times, NONE) abort
          return a:times

        " Output: [0,1,2]
        echo s:Stream.generator(dict).take(3).to_list()

        " This generator creates a finite stream
        let dict = {}
        function! dict.yield(times, NONE) abort
          if a:times >= 3
            return a:NONE
          return a:times

        " Output: [0,1,2]
        echo s:Stream.generator(dict).to_list()

STREAM OBJECT                           Vital.Stream-Stream-object

Intermediate operations                 Vital.Stream-intermediate-operations

Intermediate operations return Vital.Stream-Stream-object.

                      {stream1} [, {stream2} ...])
        Shortcut for, stream1, stream2, ...) .

Stream.zip_with_index()         Vital.Stream-Stream.zip_with_index()
        Shortcut for, {n -> n + 1}), self) .

Stream.concat({stream1} [, {stream2} ...])
        Shortcut for s:Stream.concat(self, stream1, stream2, ...) .

        Peeks elements of stream and does not change the values of elements.
        This method is useful for debugging. You can pass a function which
        causes side effect. {func} is a function of 1 arity.

        let g:peek = []
        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).peek({n -> add(g:peek, n)}).to_list()
        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo g:peek

        let g:peek = []
        " Output: [2,4,6]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).peek({n -> add(g:peek, n)}).map({n -> n * 2}).to_list()
        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo g:peek

        Creates a stream applying {func} to each element. {func} is a function
        of 1 arity.

        " Output: [2,4,6]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).map({n -> n * 2}).to_list()

        Creates a flattened stream applying {func} to each element.
        {func} returns List, and is a function of 1 arity.

        " Output: [1,2,2,3,3,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(0,1,2,3).flat_map({n -> repeat([n], n)}).to_list()

        " Output: [0,4,8]
        echo s:Stream.of(0,1,2,3,4).flat_map({n -> n % 2 == 0 ? [n * 2] : []}).to_list()

        Creates a stream filtering elements with {func}
        {func} is a function of 1 arity.

        " Output: [0,2,4]
        echo s:Stream.of(0,1,2,3,4).map({n -> n % 2 == 0}).to_list()

        Slices a stream into each element before {func} returns non-zero. {func} is
        a function of 1 arity. (this method was inspired by Ruby's

        " Output: [[0,1], [2,3], [4,5]]
        echo s:Stream.of(0,1,2,3,4,5).slice_before({n -> n % 2 == 0}).to_list()

        " Output: [[1], [2,3], [4,5]]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).slice_before({n -> n % 2 == 0}).to_list()

        Drops the first {n} elements.

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(42,1,2,3).drop(1).to_list()

        Takes the first {n} elements.

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,42).take(3).to_list()

        Takes the first elements while {func} returns non-zero value. {func} is a
        function of 1 arity.

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,42,4,5,6).take_while({n -> n < 10}).to_list()

        Drops the first elements while {func} returns non-zero value. {func} is a
        function of 1 arity.

        " Output: [42,4,5,6]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,42,4,5,6).drop_while({n -> n < 10}).to_list()

        Gets rid of duplicate elements. {hashfunc} is a function of 1 arity
        which is used for stringification of an element to a key string. If
        the key string is same, only the first element is returned. Default
        {hashfunc} is string().

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,2,3,3).distinct().to_list()

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,2,1).distinct().to_list()

        " Output: ["a", "bb", "ccc"]
        echo s:Stream.of('a', 'bb', 'ccc', 'ddd', 'ee').distinct({s -> len(s)}).to_list()

        Gets all elements from upstream and sorts all elements.
        {comparator} is a function of 2 arity.

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(2,1,3).sorted().to_list()

        " Output: [3,2,1]
        let l:ByDesc = {a,b -> a > b ? -1 : a ==# b ? 0 : 1}
        echo s:Stream.of(2,1,3).sorted(l:ByDesc).to_list()

Terminal operations                     Vital.Stream-terminal-operations

Terminal operations do not return Vital.Stream-Stream-object. And the stream
cannot be called twice (because stream is already closed).

        Iterates each element and returns 0. {func} is a function of
        1 arity.

        function! Echo(n)
          echo a:n
        call s:Stream.of(1,2,3).foreach({n -> Echo(n)})

        Returns List of elements.

        " Output: [1,2,3]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).to_list()

        Returns the number of elements. If {func} was given, it counts
        elements only which {func} returns non-zero. {func} is a function of 1

        " Output: 3
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).count()

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).count({n -> n % 2 == 0})

Stream.reduce({func} [, {init}])
        Accumulates each element by applying {func}. {func} is a function of 2
        arity. If {init} was given, {init} is passed to the first argument of
        {func}. Otherwise, the first element is passed. If {init} was not
        given and stream is empty, an exception is thrown.

        " Output: 6
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).reduce({a,b -> a + b}, 0)

        " Throws an exception
        echo s:Stream.empty().reduce({a,b -> a + b})

        " Output: [3,2,1]
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).reduce({a,b -> insert(a, b)}, [])
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).reduce(function('insert'), [])

        Returns the first element. When the stream is empty and if {default} was
        given, returns {default}. Or if {default} was not given, throws an

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.of(42,1,2,3).first()

        " Throws an exception
        echo s:Stream.empty().first()

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.empty().first(42)

        Returns the last element. When the stream is empty and if {default} was
        given, returns {default}. Or if {default} was not given, throws an

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,42).last()

        " Throws an exception
        echo s:Stream.empty().last()

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.empty().last(42)

Stream.find({func} [, {default}])
        Shortcut for filter(func).first(default) .
        See Vital.Stream-Stream.filter() and Vital.Stream-Stream.first().

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,42,3).find({n -> n > 10})

        " Throws an exception
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).find({n -> n > 10})

        " Output: 42
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).find({n -> n > 10}, 42)

        Returns 1 if any of the result value(s) which {func} returns are
        non-zero. Otherwise returns 0. if a stream is empty, returns 0.

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,42,3).any({n -> n > 10})

        " Output: 0
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).any({n -> n > 10})

        " Output: 0
        echo s:Stream.empty().any({n -> n > 10})

        Returns 1 if all of the result value(s) which {func} returns are
        non-zero. Otherwise returns 0. if a stream is empty, returns 1.

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).all({n -> n > 0})

        " Output: 0
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,-1).all({n -> n > 0})

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.empty().all({n -> n > 0})

        Returns 1 if none of the result value(s) which {func} returns
        are non-zero. Otherwise returns 0. if a stream is empty, returns

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3).none({n -> n < 0})

        " Output: 0
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,-1).none({n -> n < 0})

        " Output: 1
        echo s:Stream.empty().none({n -> n < 0})

Stream.to_dict({keymapper}, {valuemapper} [, {mergefunc}])
        Accumulates elements into a Dictionary whose keys and values are the
        result of applying the provided mapping functions to the input
        elements. {keymapper} / {valuemapper} create key / value pair. And If
        {mergefunc} was given, {mergefunc} is invoked when the key is
        duplicate to merge 2 values. If {mergefunc} was not given and met the
        duplicate key, throws an exception. {keymapper} and {valuemapper} are
        a function of 1 arity. {mergefunc} is a function of 2 arity.
        See also Vital.Stream-Stream.group_by().

        " Output: {'1': 2, '2': 4, '3': 6}
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3)
                    \.to_dict({n -> n}, {n -> n * 2})

        " Throws an exception
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,3)
                    \.to_dict({n -> n}, {n -> n})

        " Output: {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 6}
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,3)
                    \.to_dict({n -> n}, {n -> n}, {a,b -> a + b})

        Grouping elements of a stream with {func}. Shortcut for
        stream.to_dict(func, {n -> [n]}, {a,b -> a + b}) .

        " Output: {'even': [2,4], 'odd': [1,3,5]}
        echo s:Stream.of(1,2,3,4,5).group_by({n -> n % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"})

TODO                                    Vital.Stream-todo

- Build an AST at each creation / intermediate operation.
  And make an execution plan and unroll a stream flow (do not create a s:Stream
  object each time functions / methods are called)
  - s:Stream.of(1,2,3).drop(1).take(1) should create slice operation like
  - s:Stream.range(1, 100).take(10).sorted() should skip sorted() operation
  - Java Stream API has "characteristics" like SORTED, DISTINCT which
    represent the stream is already sorted(), or distinct(). But this module
    should take essentially a different approach because Vim script is
    interpreter language, that means, an execution of Ex command is slow even
    just creating object
- Better examples (Vital.Stream-examples) to show the power of this module
- Provides a way to extend methods like underscore.vim
- .peek() should accept the number of element to peek
- Support Stream.tap(f): f receives stream object and its return value is used
  as the return value of Stream.tap(f)
- Support Stream.reversed(): reverse elements order
- Check types of arguments at each method
  - When invalid types were passed to each method, it's hard to debug
    (methods in stacktrace are unnamed functions / lambda)


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