Vim documentation: vital/Deprecated/Text/Sexp

main help file
vital/Deprecated/Text/Sexp.txt                S-Expression parser.

Maintainer: ujihisa <ujihisa at gmail com>

CONTENTS                        Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-introduction
INTERFACE                       Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-interface
  FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-introduction

Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp is an S-Expression parsing library. For performance it uses
lua, so the Vim that runs this needs +lua.

INTERFACE                       Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-interface

FUNCTIONS                       Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp-functions

parse({string})                                 Vital.Deprecated.Text.Sexp.parse()
        Requires +lua.

        Parses Sexp formatted string. It returns a List that contains

        echo s:S.parse('(a b c)')
        " [[{'label': 'identifier', 'col': 2.0, 'matched_text': 'a'}, {'label': 'whitespace', 'col': 3.0, 'matched_text': ' '}, {'label': 'identifier', 'col': 4.0, 'matched_text': 'b'}, {'label': 'whitespace', 'col': 5.0, 'matched_text': ' '}, {'label': 'identifier', 'col': 6.0, 'matched_text': 'c'}]]


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