Vim documentation: vital/Deprecated/Lua/Prelude

main help file
vital/Lua/Prelude.txt         crucial functions for lua integration

Maintainer: ujihisa <ujihisa at gmail com>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-introduction
  USAGE                         Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-usage
INTERFACE                       Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-interface
  Functions                       Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-introduction

Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude provides

* common way to make your own function available both from Vim script and from
* automatic loading of corresponding files; this loads a Lua file
  autoload/foo.lua when you use a Vim script file autoload/foo.vim which both
  can be used from Lua/Vim.
* useful functions defined in Deprecated.Lua.Prelude, like from_lua() and to_lua().
* easy way to call Lua function from Vim script.

USAGE                                   Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-usage

When you write function "f" it can be used from both (vim or lua) code. You
can write bridge function below:


        let s:V = vital#sample#new()
        let s:P = s:V.import('Deprecated.Lua.Prelude')
        " s:LuaP is namespace of Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude
        let s:LuaP = s:P.lua_namespace()
        " s:sfile will be namespace
        let s:sfile = expand('<sfile>:p')

        function! s:init_context()
          " load and evaluate sample.lua
          call luaeval('dofile(_A)', s:P.luafile_of(s:sfile))
        call s:init_context()

        function! s:f(x, y)
          return luaeval('_G[_A[0]].vim.f(_A[1], _A[2])', [s:sfile, a:x, a:y])


        local public = {lua = {}, vim = {}}
        -- You can call Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude functions via table P
        local P = _G[vim.eval('s:LuaP')].lua

        function public.lua.f(x, y)
        function public.vim.f(x, y)
          -- type conversion and call public.lua.f

        -- Make your namespace
        _G[vim.eval('s:sfile')] = public

INTERFACE                               Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude-functions

luafile_of({sfile})                           Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude.luafile_of()

        Only as a vim interface; Lua script can't call this function directly.
        Convert vim script filename to lua script filename. Lua script file
        must be placed on the same directory of vim script file.

map({list}, {f})                           

        Only as a lua interface; Vim script can't call this function directly.

        map({10, 20, 30}, function(e) return e + 1 end)
        # == {11, 21, 31}

to_lua({vobj})                                    Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude.to_lua()

        Only as a lua interface; Vim script can't call this function directly.

from_lua({lobj})                                Vital.Deprecated.Lua.Prelude.from_lua()

        Only as a lua interface; Vim script can't call this function directly.


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