Vim documentation: vital/Async/Later

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Vital/Async/Later.txt         FIFO task queue for calling function later

Maintainer : Alisue <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Async.Later-contents

INTRODUCTION                    Vital.Async.Later-introduction
FUNCTION                        Vital.Async.Later-function
VARIABLE                        Vital.Async.Later-variable

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Async.Later-introduction

Vital.Async.Later provides a FIFO task queue. While Vim uses FILO way to
execute a task registered by timer_start(), the following code become
opposite in Vim and Neovim.

        let rs = []
        call timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 1) })
        call timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 2) })
        call timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 3) })
        call timer_start(0, { -> timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 4) }) })
        call timer_start(0, { -> timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 5) }) })
        call timer_start(0, { -> timer_start(0, { -> add(rs, 6) }) })
        " Vim:    [3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6]
        " Neovim: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

To solve this difference, Vital.Async.Later uses an internal task queue
to controls the order of the execution. The following code works both on
Vim and Neovim.

        let s:Later = vital#vital#import('Async.Later')

        let rs = []
        call{ -> add(rs, 1) })
        call{ -> add(rs, 2) })
        call{ -> add(rs, 3) })
        call{ ->{ -> add(rs, 4) }) })
        call{ ->{ -> add(rs, 5) }) })
        call{ ->{ -> add(rs, 6) }) })
        " Vim:    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        " Neovim: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

FUNCTION                                Vital.Async.Later-function

.call({task} [, {arglist} [, {dict}]])
        Similar to call() but it calls {task} a bit later, when Vim is not
        busy. For convenience, {arglist} can be omit.

        When an exception is thrown in {task}, the exception is caught and
        echomsg with hl-ErrorMsg by a default error handler.
        Use Vital.Async.Later.set_error_handler() to change this behavior.
        Note that this error handler exists as a safety-net. Developers should
        NOT rely on the behavior of the error handler and SHOULD catch errors
        by themselves in each {task}.

        Internally, it enqueues a {task} into an internal task queue. Tasks
        in the queue will be dequeued and processed by internal workers. The
        number of internal workers are gradually increase until all tasks in
        the queue are completed or reached to the value of "max_workers".
        Once the queue become empty, the number of internal workers are
        gradually decrease so that no workers exists at the end.

        Return a maximum number of workers.
        Default: 50

        Set a maximum number of workers to {n}.

        Return an error handler (Funcref) or v:null if no custom error
        handler has specified.
        Default: v:null

        Set an error handler (Funcref) which is called when tasks throws
        errors. Use v:exception and v:throwpoint in the {handler} to
        access cought errors. Set v:null to use a default error handler.


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