Vim documentation: vital/Random/System
main help file
vital/Random/System.txt random number generator using system source.
Maintainer: Tsuyoshi CHO <>
CONTENTS Vital.Random.System-contents
INTRODUCTION Vital.Random.System-introduction
INTERFACE Vital.Random.System-interface
FUNCTIONS Vital.Random.System-functions
INTRODUCTION Vital.Random.System-introduction
Vital.Random.System provides a Random Number Generator (RNG) using an
system random source.
If vim has rand()/srand(), use this.
Otherwise methods: Windows use cmd's %RANDOM%, *nix use bash's $RANDOM /
openssl rand / /dev/urandom or /dev/random dump with od command.
And if these all methods do not work environment, this module fallback to
This module lower using priority other PRNG algorithm.
let s:V = vital#{plugin-name}#new()
let s:X = s:V.import("Random.System")
call s:X.srand(1)
echo s:X.rand()
" 132
echo s:X.rand()
" 86
call s:X.srand(1)
echo s:X.rand()
" 1022
INTERFACE Vital.Random.System-interface
FUNCTIONS Vital.Random.System-functions
srand([{seed}]) Vital.Random.System.srand()
Initialize the global generator with the given seed number.
{seed} is Number or four number List.
rand() Vital.Random.System.rand()
Generate a random number from the global generator.
Note: A return value is possibly negative. This is because Vim script
doesn't have an unsigned integer type. (system source is 0-max)
new_generator() Vital.Random.System.new_generator()
Create a new Generator object(Vital.Random.System-Generator).
OBJECTS Vital.Random.System-objects
Generator Object Vital.Random.System-Generator
Generate the next random number in the sequence.
Generator.min() Vital.Random.System-Generator.min()
Get the smallest possible value in the output range.
Generator.max() Vital.Random.System-Generator.max()
Get the largest possible value in the output range.
Generator.seed({seed}) Vital.Random.System-Generator.seed()
Initialze the generator with the given seed list.
{seed} value: see Vital.Random.System.srand().
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