Vim documentation: vital/Crypt/Password/PBKDF2

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vital/Crypt/Password/PBKDF2.txt               Utilities for PBKDF2 library.

Maintainer: Tsuyoshi CHO <>

CONTENTS                                Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-contents

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-introduction
INTERFACE                               Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-interface
  Functions                             Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-functions

INTRODUCTION                            Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-introduction

Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2 is an Utilities for PBKDF2 library.
It provides functions to return the PBKDF2 derived key value.

  let dk = s:PBKDF2.pbkdf2(password, salt, stretch, len, algo)

INTERFACE                               Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-interface
FUNCTIONS                               Vital.Crypt.Password.PBKDF2-functions

pbkdf2({password}, {salt}, {iteration}, {len}, {algo})
        Return PBKDF2 value.
        {password} and {salt} support string or byte-list.
        {iteration} is stretching count.
        {len} is derived key length(octet).
        Hash {algo}, need same as Vital.Crypt.MAC.HMAC-HMAC.hash() API.
        ex Vital.Hash.MD5 , Vital.Hash.SHA1


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